2011-2013 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Sep 23, 2024  
2011-2013 Undergraduate Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Life (Long Island Campus)

The administration and faculty recognize the college years as particularly crucial in the personal development of each student. A strong liberal arts program provides a humanistic reference point from which students can explore contemporary issues, moral values, and career opportunities. Through the study of influential ideas and actions, and through interchange with faculty and other students, each student has the opportunity to grow not only intellectually but as a total person. The synthesis, of course, rests with the student.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities in a small college for extra-curricular involvement and committee participation, as well as for ongoing dialogue with faculty in the major department. In this way, students can help to create the ambience of their academic lives.

The academic year consists of the fall and spring semesters, and optional summer session and intersession in January. The Calendar appears at the beginning of this catalogue.

Degree Programs

St. Joseph’s College, Suffolk Campus, offers the following degree programs, which are registered with New York State Education Department.

BACHELOR OF ARTS in Biology, Child Study, Criminal Justice, English, History, Human Relations, Mathematics, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Psychology, Social Science, Spanish, and Speech. Students applying for the B.A. must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum and major, and elect additional courses for a total of 128 credits, at least 90 of which must be in the liberal arts. Those who wish to teach on the elementary or secondary level will also follow the programs approved for teacher certification.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Biology, Mathematics, Mathematics/Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, and Medical Technology. Students applying for the B.S. must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum and major, and elect additional courses for a total of 128 credits, at least 60 of which must be in the liberal arts. Those who wish to teach on the secondary level will also follow the program approved for teacher certification.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Business Administration. Students applying for the B.S. must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum and major, and elect additional courses for a total of 128 credits, at least 60 of which must be in the liberal arts.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Business Administration with a major in Accounting. Students applying for the B.S. must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum and major, and elect additional courses for a total of 128 credits, at least 60 of which must be in the liberal arts.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Marketing. Students applying for the B.S. must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum and major, and elect additional courses for a total of 128 credits, at least 60 of which must be in the liberal arts.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Public Accountancy. This program leads to a double major in Accounting and Business Administration and prepares for the C.P.A. exams. Students applying for the B.S. must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum and major, and elect additional courses for a total of 150 credits, at least 60 of which must be in the liberal arts.

DUAL BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Business Administration with a major in Accounting and MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION in Accounting. This 152-credit program stresses both the study of graduate accounting topics and the development of managerial effectiveness.
It satisfies the education requirements for C.P.A. licensure and is registered with the New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Recreation. Students applying for the B.S. in Recreation must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum and major, and elect additional courses for a total of 128 credits, at least 60 of which must be in the liberal arts.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in Community Health and Human Services, General Studies, Health Administration, and Organizational Management. Administered by the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, these degree programs are designed especially for adult with non-traditional academic backgrounds or with professional training and experience. Of the 128 credits required for the degree, at least 60 must be in the liberal arts. The degree program in Organizational Management is also offered in an online format.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE with a major in Nursing. Administered by the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, the nursing degree program, accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, is designed specifically for registered nurses. The curriculum consists of 128 credits, which includes lower-division course requirements and upper-division courses. At least 60 credits must be in the liberal arts.

For details concerning programs administered by the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, contact the school at:

St. Joseph’s College
245 Clinton Avenue
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11205
(718) 940-5800
or St. Joseph’s College
Long Island Campus
155 W. Roe Boulevard
Patchogue, N.Y. 11772
(631) 687-4501

For all bachelor’s degrees, a cumulative index of 2.0 is required, as well as an index of 2.0 in the major (higher, if so indicated by the major department.)

For all master’s degrees, a cumulative index of 3.0 (B) is required.

MASTER OF ARTS in Childhood or Adolescence Special Education with an Annotation in Severe or Multiple Disabilities. This program is designed for those who possess initial certification in Childhood Education or Adolescence Education in a content field. The program provides the student with a core curriculum (12 credits) and courses that link Special Education to the New York State Learning Standards (24 credits). This program leads to certification in Childhood Special Education 1-6 or Adolescence Special Education in a content field 7-12, as well as an Annotation in Severe or Multiple Disabilities (ages birth – 21).

MASTER OF ARTS in Infant/Toddler Early Childhood Special Education This program is designed for those interested in obtaining a Master of Arts degree with certification in Early Childhood Special Education. The graduate program consists of 36 credits. Students must complete the 36 credits, which includes one semester or summer session in a full-time fieldwork placement, and a Master’s thesis.

MASTER OF ARTS in Literacy and Cognition. The program addresses the challenges of teachers in the area of Literacy and Cognition. The 36-credit program consists of 12 credits of core courses and 24 credits of courses that link literacy instruction to the New York State Learning Standards on the level of birth through grade six. This part-time program leads to New York State Certification in Literacy–Birth to Grade 6.

MASTER OF ARTS in Mathematics Education. This part-time program is designed for those who possess initial certification in Mathematics. The goal of this program is to instill in teaching professionals dedication to the discipline, as well as the desire and ability to become lifelong learners. The graduate program consists of 30 credits and fulfills the degree requirement for professional certification in Mathematics 7-12.

MASTER OF SCIENCE in Management. Administered by the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, the 36-credit curriculum consists of a 24 credit core in Management plus a 12-credit concentration in Organizational Management, Health Care Management, or Human Resources Management. See Executive Master of Business Administration.

MASTER OF SCIENCE in Human Services Leadership. Administered by the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, this 30-credit program provides professionals with a com prehensive experiential learning eduation that focuses on developing leadership competencies relevant to the human services field.

EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. Admin istered by the School of Professional and Graduate Studies. This 36-credit program allows students with substantial work experience to apply graduate-level management and financial theory to workplace issues and problems. This program is also offered in the distance education format.

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION in Accounting. Administered by the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, this 36-credit program stresses both the study of graduate accounting topics and the development of managerial effectiveness. This program satisfies the education requirements for C.P.A. licensure in New York State and is registerred as a licensure-qualifying program with the New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions.

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION in Health Care Management. This 36-credit program is designed to provide health care professionals with a comprehensive management education that focuses on current issues in the health field.

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION in Health Care Management with a Concentration in Health Information Systems. This 36-credit program is designed to develop students’ expertise in the planning, development, and implementation of health information systems. The concentration focuses on how Health Information Systems can improve the delivery of health care with the latest methods and technologies for the collection, organization, use, and evaluation of health care information.

MASTER OF SCIENCE with a major in Nursing. This is a part-time, cohort-based program that can be completed in seven semesters of study. The program offers a choice of two concentrations: Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult Health or Nursing Education. All students will also be required to complete successfully a comprehensive examination with a grade of B or higher to graduate. The program is registered with the New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions.

Core Curriculum

A new Core Curriculum is being introduced for freshmen entering the College in September 2011. Continuing students will follow the Core Curriculum in the 2009-2011 Catalogue.

Transfer students entering in 2011 will follow the Core Curriculum as outlined in the 2009-2011 catalogue.

For information about courses that fulfill requirements of the new Core Curriculum, see the Core Curriculum Guide 2011.

2011 Core Curriculum (Long Island Campus)

Common Learning Area

The St. Joseph’s College Core Curriculum includes two courses which form the basis for the general education program. The courses in this Common Learning Area are designed to improve student writing and communication skills and to introduce first-year students to college-level academic work and the college experience at St. Joseph’s College through a topic-based seminar and a required First Year Experience Program.

ENG 103 - Writing for Effective Communication

Analysis and application of the principles of effective writing. Skills developed in the performance of various writing tasks. Research techniques are also implemented.

HUM 100 - The Freshman Seminar

Designed to provide an introduction to the liberal arts experience and to assist in the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes helpful to success in college. Topics include: self concept; clarification of goals; relationships, communication, and study skills; critical analysis; academic disciplines. Students expand horizons through required participation in selected extracurricular, social, and aesthetic experiences.

Thematic Learning Areas

The St. Joseph’s College Core Curriculum includes courses which represent the areas of human knowledge and culture deemed essential for a liberal education–that is, for free men and women who must assume responsibility for directing their own lives and contributing to national and international decisions. By grouping the courses into five broad Thematic Learning Areas, the College has indicated the relationships among the various disciplines and the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the liberal arts and sciences.

In order to ensure balance across the disciplines, students may offer no more than two courses from any particular discipline toward the requirements of the Thematic Learning Areas of the core.

Quest for Meaning

Students are required to take two courses in this area.

Rationale: Some questions transcend our specific culture and are deeper and broader than a focused preparation for a career. They invite us to engage in a sustained practice of self-reflection in community with others on things that matter to us as human beings in the world.

Description: Course offerings in this area examine various human attempts to understand the nature of such values as truth, beauty, goodness, justice, and love; and invite students to engage in a systematic examination of such core human questions as: Who am I? Why do I exist? What can I know? How can I be a good person? For what can I hope? And even to question these questions.

Outcome: Students will be able to formulate and articulate their own view of the meaning of human existence, morality and the “good life.” Students should achieve a working knowledge of some of the ways in which humans have approached these big questions and attempted to answer them.

Global Perspectives

Students are required to take two courses in this area.

Rationale: Openness to the exploration and understanding of diverse ideas, traditions, and cultures, coupled with an appreciation of problems that transcend national boundaries, will supply students with a strong background for working in a global economy, for living in a multicultural society and for making intelligent decisions as global citizens.

Description: Course offerings in this area are designed to broaden the perspective of the student to include knowledge of world cultures, traditions, and peoples facilitated by the study of a range of global topics presented in courses from diverse disciplines.

Outcome: Students will develop sufficient cross-cultural literacy to engage effectively the global community with sensitivity and open-mindedness. To that end, students will demonstrate an understanding of the world’s peoples and culture, of the forces that bring peoples and cultures together, and demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively with people of diverse backgrounds.

Self & Society

Students are required to take three courses in this area: one history course and two courses in two different areas of the social/behavioral sciences.

Rationale: No woman or man is an island. Each life exists within the wider context of the human community. Moreover, the story of each generation finds its place within the ever unfolding saga of human experience.

Description: Course offerings in this area seek to understand the person within these broad communal and temporal horizons. They examine the reciprocal relationship between the individual and society, situating personal dynamics within a study of the prevailing social, political and economic realities and a historical understanding of how those factors came to be.

Outcomes: Students will be able to demonstrate familiarity with some basic concepts and methodological principles in at least two of the social and behavioral sciences and will likewise be able to show that they are conversant with certain essential aspects of the historical method and perspective.

The Mathematical, Physical, & Natural World

Students are required to take three courses in this area including one mathematics course and one lab science course.

Rationale: Understanding our physical and natural world and the ability to think analytically are core components of being an educated person. Hypothesizing and testing the rules that govern the workings of the physical and natural world are the essence of empirical science. Deducing the rules that govern an abstract construct lies at the heart of mathematics. Together, these processes comprise analysis. These important skills can be applied in other disciplines and other aspects of their lives.

Description: Course offerings in this area invite students to engage in critical thinking and problem solving in the realm of science and mathematics. These courses will provide students with the skills that will enable them to interact effectively with the physical and natural world of the sciences and the abstract world of mathematics.

Outcomes: Students will be able to use scientific and inquiry methods when working with mathematics and scientific information and use appropriate mathematical and scientific instruments and technology. They will also develop their ability to solve multi-step problems and construct logical arguments and demonstrate a proficiency in organizing, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative information.

Human Expression

Students are required to take two courses in this area.

Rationale: Imagination, resourcefulness, and the willingness to understand and communicate the human experience through a variety of perspectives and voices are critical capabilities in the modern age.

Description: Course offerings in this area develop an understanding of humankind through a wide range of literary, cultural, and aesthetic expressions. Students will also acquire skills to express themselves artistically and verbally and to appreciate the range of artistic expression throughout the human community.

Outcome: Students will demonstrate an ability to articulate their views and ideas creatively and will develop an understanding and appreciation of the diversity of such creative expressions.

Integrated Learning Areas

In support of the College’s mission to provide a strong academic and value-oriented education, the St. Joseph’s College Core Curriculum includes courses and experiences in five Integrated Learning Areas. These areas are designed to build intellectual skills and abilities (Writing Intensive and Technology Integrated), to enhance the connections among and between the various academic disciplines and co-curricular life (Learning Communities and Service & Experiential Learning), and to foster an environment of openness to the exploration and understanding of diverse ideas, traditions, and cultures (Diversity Integrated).

Students can fulfill the requirements1 of these Integrated Learning Areas through courses in the thematic areas of the core, the major, or electives, as well as through certain approved co-curricular activities.

Writing Intensive

Students are required to complete two courses in this area, one before the senior year.

Rationale: Given the multiple ways students use writing to communicate, we believe that teaching writing across a range of practices — academic, creative, and professional — should encourage students to understand the role writing plays in academic life and beyond.

Description: Course offerings and experiences in this area will shape students into strong writers by developing their critical and creative reading, thinking, and writing abilities associated with expression and composition.

Outcome: In addition to improving basic writing skills, students will be able to use writing and reading for critical thinking and creative expression.

Technology Integrated

Students are required one experience in this area. Each experience will include at least three (3) technology areas.

Rationale: Technology touches every aspect of our lives and enables us to interact globally as well as locally. A well-educated person needs technological skills to continue to learn, to communicate, to excel and to be productive in an ever-evolving digital world.

Description: Course offerings and experiences in this area will develop the students’ ability to adapt, navigate and become proficient in at least 3 technological areas: communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, digital citizenship, technology concepts and digital tools.2 These areas are fluid in nature and thus students’ experiences will reflect the constantly changing technologies, applications and systems in our global society.

Outcome: In addition to developing their basic technological skills (e.g. using email, word processing and presentation tools, and doing research, etc.), students will be able to demonstrate critical and technological thinking in order to locate, organize, create, evaluate, analyze, synthesize and ethically utilize information from a multiplicity of sources and media.

SJC Learning Communities

Students will complete one experience in this area.

Rationale: Achieving our goals often requires that we exchange ideas with others, have successful interactions, and know how to move forward with others in a constructive way. Whether one is in the field of academia, endeavoring to be an active citizen, or developing a career, acquiring the ability to learn from and with others are important skills. To these ends, shared learning experiences provide a framework for engaging the social and collaborative nature of knowledge.

Description: Course offerings in this area emphasize cooperative learning experiences that link courses, curricular material, faculty, or student with the aim of promoting deep learning and engagement with other members of the College community.

Outcomes: Students will demonstrate an appreciation of how interdisciplinary and community learning experiences contribute to the integration of knowledge, enhance the value of a liberal arts education, and offer deeper understanding of the material they are learning through more interaction with one another and their teachers as fellow participants in the learning enterprise.

Service & Experiential Learning

Students will complete one experience in this area.

Rationale: Connecting academic work to experiences outside the classroom will provide students with opportunities to practice and apply theoretical constructs, ideas and skills that foster professional and personal intellectual maturity.

Description: Course offerings or activities in this area may include a variety of options designed to supplement and complement the purely academic and theoretical. Structured experiences will encourage educational interaction and participation in supervised and collaborative ventures that will identify specific learning goals that promote the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions associated with the liberal arts and the professions.

Outcomes: Students will learn the value of service and/or experiential learning through interactive experiences and reflections within “realworld” contexts. These experiences will encourage students to forge a link between theory and practice, while clarifying students’ connections to their local and global communities. Students will thus come to recognize the value of and need for ongoing inquiry, analysis, and evaluation.

Diversity Integrated

Students will complete one experience in this area.

Rationale: The liberal arts tradition should prepare students for lives of integrity, social responsibility, and service, in an environment that acknowledges the worth of all individuals, values cooperation, and incorporates the diverse concerns of dissenting voices. This core requirement prepares students to understand more fully issues and questions raised by living in a diverse society.

Description: Course offerings in this area are designed to: incorporate elements related to a variety of human differences; explore the differences among various groups and forms of human expression in our society; examine the richness and strengths of complex, heterogeneous societies, while confronting the intolerance, inequality, and conflict that often accompany diversity. Courses will, in a substantial and rigorous manner, analyze topics and issues related to these aspects of diversity throughout the course.

Outcome: Students will be able to articulate the contributions and challenges of diverse peoples. They will demonstrate an understanding of critical issues pertaining to diversity and will be able to recognize and scrutinize the way institutional power structures influence such phenomena as marginalization and oppression as well as social and economic integration.


1The Integrated Learning Areas of the General Education program will be introduced gradually with those entering in 2011needing to complete 3 areas, those entering in 2012 needing to complete 4 areas and those entering in 2013 needing to complete all 5 Integrated Learning Areas.
2Adapted from the National Educational Technology Standards for Students, Second Edition, © 2007, ISTE® (International Society for Technology in Education), www.iste.org. All rights reserved.


Each student develops depth by choosing one of the major academic areas for intensive study. Under the guidance of a departmental advisor, the student will select courses for a total of at least 30 credits in accord with departmental requirements. (N.B. In some instances, courses offered to satisfy the core requirements may also be offered toward the major.)


Some students have a number of free electives. These may be used to develop a minor, a second area of specialization. A minor requires the successful completion of 18 credits or six courses; specific requirements are listed in the departmental section of the catalogue. Minors are not required for graduation.


In addition to the core curriculum and major area, students also choose courses which support their majors, broaden their interests, or advance their educational and career goals.

Certificate Programs and Career Tracks

These programs offer students the option of combining courses in their major field and/or electives in order to develop knowledge and skill in a particular area oriented to a career interest. Students may wish to consult the catalogue sections on Certificate Programs and Career Tracks.

Plans of Study

Liberal Arts Programs. A broad general education, including core curriculum, major field, and electives, is still considered the best possible preparation for life. The intellectual skills involved help the student to develop the adaptability needed in a rapidly changing society. This educational program may be combined with career orientation for one of the following professions.

Medicine and Dentistry

Those students who are interested in applying to schools of medicine or dentistry are advised to meet the requirements of the American Association of Medical Colleges or the American Dental Association. The basic requirements of these schools include one year each of English, general biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Some schools have other specific requirements. Although any major is acceptable if these requirements are met, premedical students are usually advised to major in biology in order to assure the firm foundation in the sciences which will be required in their future work.


For students who plan to enter the world of business, there are two possible routes. The first is to major in Business Administration, Accounting, or Marketing. The Chairperson of the Business Administration and Accounting Department advises students planning a career in business. The second route is to major in one of the liberal arts or sciences for the Bachelor of Arts degree and to take an additional sequence in Business. (See Certificate Programs .)


Early Childhood, Childhood and Special Education. A liberal arts course of study including the core curriculum, Child Study major, area of concentration, and electives, for students who wish to prepare to teach in early childhood, childhood, early childhood with disabilities, or childhood with disabilities. To follow this program, which has been approved for teacher certification in four areas by the New York State Education Department, students should elect Child Study as a major before the completion of the freshman year. At the same time, they should choose an area of concentration of 30 credits (American Studies, Art, English, Fine Arts, History, Human Relations, Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Science, Spanish, Social Science, Sociology, or Speech).

This plan, which is under the direction of the Chairperson of the Child Study Department, provides students with the opportunity for observation and practicum experiences and for student teaching at the elementary
level and in special education.

Adolescence Education. A liberal arts course of study, including the core curriculum, the major, and electives for students who wish to prepare to teach on the secondary level (grades 7-12). They follow a program which has been approved for teacher certification by the New York State Education Department. The sequence of courses, including student teaching, necessitates that students select this plan early in their college careers. This plan is under the direction of the Chairperson of the Education Department.

Teacher Education Program Statistics. The pass rates for St. Joseph’s College students taking the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations in 2009-2010 are as follows. Of the 406 students who took the ATS-W (Assessment of Teaching Skills-Written), 406 passed, for a pass rate of 100%; the statewide pass rate was 100%. Of the 406 students who took the LAST (Liberal Arts & Sciences Test), 406 passed, for a pass rate of 100%; the statewide pass rate was 99%. Of the 364 students who took the academic Content Specialty Tests, 348 passed, for a pass rate of 90.5%. Of the 255 students who took the Students with Disabilities test, 237 passed for a pass rate of 93%; the statewide pass rate was 92%. Of the 29 students who took the Literacy test, 28 passed for a pass rate of 97%; the statewide pass rate was 99%. The summary total pass rate for 413 students was 96%; the statewide pass rate was 94%. The number of program completers for 2009-2010 was 381.

Library Work

Any liberal arts major prepares for graduate work at an accredited library school. For specific requirements, consult the catalogue of the graduate school of your choice.


Students interested in studying law may select any major which will assist them to develop their capacity for comprehension and expression in words, for critical understanding of the human institutions and values with which the law deals, and for creative power in thinking. A Pre-Law Committee sponsors events.

Social Work

Those desiring social work as a career often choose Sociology or Psychology as a major. However, no specific major is required for admission to graduate programs as long as there is a concentration in the behavioral and social sciences. Within the Sociology Department, there are two courses which are recommended to interested students. One is an introduction to the field of social work, and the other is a supervised field experience in a social work setting. With a liberal arts background, graduates can qualify as case aides or case workers in many different settings such as probation, social services, and youth services. While employed as case aides, students often pursue graduate study in order to qualify as social workers.

Other Fields

The Chairpersons of Departments will discuss with students career opportunities related to their subject areas.

Academic Advisement & Programming

Much of the success of our academic program stems from the interest of the faculty in the individual student. Opportunities are provided in the spring term for prospective freshmen to discuss their interests and possible majors with an advisor before drawing up their programs. During the freshman year, all students are assigned to a freshman adviso. Freshmen meet their advisors at least twice during the year to discuss their academic and career goals and to consult regarding their choice of courses at registration. In consultation with their advisors, students assume the responsibility for selecting the courses that will enable them to earn a degree.

The Registrar issues bulletins concerning the procedures and dates for advisement and registration and for declaring the choice of a Major and Plan. Once students have declared a major, a full-time faculty member of the major department becomes their chief academic advisor. (For Change of Major or Plan, see Academic Policies.)

Although Chairpersons and faculty members are always willing to discuss educational goals and progress with individual students, all undergraduates are responsible for following the directives issued by the Registrar concerning the formal period of advisement and registration. At these times, students should consult their advisor to review their academic and career plans and to discuss their choice of courses for the following term. Ultimately, each student is responsible for choosing and completing courses that fulfill the requirements for a degree from St. Joseph’s College.

Course Load

Full-time students may carry sixteen credits per term. Students beyond freshman year may take up to eighteen credits with the approval of the Major Department advisor. For more than six courses or eighteen credits in one semester, the permission of the Dean is required (See Tuition Policy  ).

Pass/No Credit Option

To encourage exploration and experimentation in curricular areas, the faculty has provided that juniors and seniors may take ONE COURSE PER SEMESTER or during Intersession or Summer Sessions on an Index-Free basis (i.e., the grade is not computed in the index). Students may not take more than a total of four courses Pass/No Credit.

Courses required either by core curriculum or by the student’s major department, minor or area of concentration may not be elected on this basis. Students may have the first three weeks of the term in which to notify the Registrar that they wish to take this option, (or in the case of a Summer Session or Intersession course, before the fourth class). No changes, either to Pass/No Credit or back to letter grade, may be made after that time. Grades assigned are P or NC (Pass or No Credit).

Independent Study

Certain courses, indicated in the department offerings as 2 or 3 credits, lend themselves to guided independent study. Because the requirements for the additional credit change the scope or depth of the course, students must register the option at the time of registration.

Several introductory courses provide opportunities for interested students to do independent work. Some advanced courses are structured to encourage students to work independently on individual research.

Repeated Courses

A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade in a course specifically required for the degree, for the major, or for a certificate program may request departmental approval to repeat the course. Although the grade of F is the only one for which credit is not given, departments may require a grade of C or better for satisfactory completion of certain departmental requirements. In such cases, the Chairperson may permit the student to repeat a course in order to demonstrate mastery of the subject. Both the original grade and the second grade will appear on the transcript. Credit will be given only once for the course, and the most recent grade will be calculated in the index.

Auditing Courses

Matriculated students may audit courses with the consent of the instructor and the permission of the Dean. Nonmatriculated students pay the regular tuition for this privilege. No credit is given for audited courses, and no records are kept.

Online Courses

Several departments offer one or more courses in an online format. The course schedule indicates the online offerings for each semester. Online courses are restricted to sophomores, juniors, and seniors; major departmental approval is required. Only one online course is allowed per semester. The PASS/NO CREDIT option is not allowed. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.7. Students must have basic computer skills, including word processing and experience using the Internet, and must have access to a PC with Windows XP or higher operating system or MAC 10.5 Leopard.

Academic Support Services

The Academic Center

The Campus Academic Center provides course-related academic support services for students in a wide range of subjects through one-on-one tutoring, group workshops, and online programs. Intensive help is available for students who need to further develop their writing and research skills. The Academic Center has two sites, one in O’Connor Hall and a separate Math Lab in the Business-Technology Building. All students may avail themselves of these services. The Center is open in the evening and on Saturdays.

Conditional Students

As part of their first-semester course work, students who have been admitted on a conditional basis will attend an additional hour of small group instruction related to their Humanities 100 coursework. Those students are especially encouraged to also visit the Academic Center and use available support services.

Academic Policies

Academic Integrity

In common with all colleges and universities engaged in the search for knowledge, St. Joseph’s College is committed to high standards of academic honesty. Moreover, as a college whose motto is “Esse non videri: To be, not to seem,” St. Joseph’s has a long-standing tradition of considering integrity as a primary value.

The College expects students to observe academic integrity in all aspects of their academic life, including the conduct of their examinations, assignments, and research. All members of the college community share the responsibility for creating a climate of academic integrity, based on fairness to others and respect for oneself.

Violations of academic integrity are treated very seriously. Policies and procedures for violations of academic honesty are explained in detail in the Student Handbook.


Students are expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are registered. Because active participation is considered vital to the educational process, class work constitutes 60-75% of the final grade in the course. Students who must be absent for an extended period of time are urged, therefore, to contact the individual professors or the Dean concerning classwork, assignments, and announced quizzes.

At the same time, the faculty recognizes that on occasion students cannot be present. Because the faculty has confidence in the maturity of the student body and recognizes the personal growth which comes through responsible freedom, the faculty has vested all members of the student body with personal responsibility for their attendance.

The faculty wish to emphasize, however, that students are equally responsible with them for creating a climate of inquiry and sharing. True education results only from active involvement in the learning process.

Change of Major or Plan

A student who wishes to change major or plan must obtain, on a form furnished by the Registrar, signatures of the Chairpersons of Departments involved, and of the Dean. Change of major or plan should be effected before the period of programming for the following term.

Double Major

A double major is the fulfillment of the requirements in two majors concurrently. To earn a degree in double majors, the student must fulfill all of the requirements of the degree program(s) of which the majors are a part. Only one degree will be awarded, but a notation recognizing the completion of the second major will be posted on the student’s permanent record. Applications for a double major may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office. In cases where both majors require a thesis, students can write a separate thesis for each major; or, with approval of both departments, write one thesis to satisfy both major requirements.

Change of Schedule

Students will not be permitted to enter courses after the first week of the term. A fee of twenty dollars is charged for each change of program beginning on the first day of the semester, and a fee of twenty-five dollars is charged for late registration. (When the change is initiated by the Committee on Academic Development, there is no fee.)

If a course is cancelled, the students affected will be notified. There is no fee for the change of program.

Withdrawal from Courses

A student who wishes to withdraw from a course in which he or she is registered, should obtain the official form from the Registrar’s Office, and follow the procedure outlined. Ordinarily, withdrawal may take place up to the midpoint of the term; thereafter, only for a most unusual reason and with the approval of the faculty member and the Dean. A fee of twenty dollars is charged. For students on the flat rate, no tuition refund will be made. (See Statement of Costs .) Students are advised to investigate the implications of withdrawing from courses on their eligibility for financial aid.

A student who does not withdraw officially from a course continues on the class register and must satisfy the requirements of the course. A student who ceases to attend a course before the midpoint of the semester will be withdrawn at the end of the semester and will receive a grade of WU. A student who ceases to attend a course after the midpoint will receive a grade of FN (Failure for non-attendance). A student who is failing a course and wishes to withdraw after the midpoint will receive a grade of WF (Withdrew failing).

Courses at Other Colleges

Matriculated students who have reason to take courses for credit at another college, should obtain from the Registrar’s Office a form for requesting permission to study at another college and follow the directions. The procedures include consultation with the appropriate Chairpersons of Departments and the approval of the Academic Dean. The College reserves the right to limit the number of such courses. Ordinarily students may not take core courses, courses for their major, or courses required for their major at another college. Freshman and sophomore students may take courses at junior or community colleges, transferring these credits to St. Joseph’s until junior status (60 credits) is achieved. Upperclass students may not take courses at Junior or Community Colleges.

When the courses have been completed, students are responsible for having an official transcript sent to the Registrar. Although the grades are not entered on the transcript nor included in the cumulative index, no credit will be allowed for a course with a grade below C-. (For Transfer Student Policy, see Admissions .)

Academic Standing

St. Joseph’s College accepts for matriculation only those students whom the College believes capable of completing the requirements for the degree. If students experience difficulty, they should consult, early enough in the term for practical assistance, the class instructor and/or the Chairperson of the Department, the Director of Counseling, the Academic Center, their Academic Advisors, or any other faculty members. Students are advised to investigate the implications of academic standing on their eligibility for financial aid.

Satisfactory Progress is ordinarily represented by an index of 2.0. Students with indexes below 2.0 are evaluated by the Academic Development Committee. Basing their judgment upon the students’ tested potential, previous academic background, and calculated estimation of improvement, the Committee may permit students to continue in the college in good standing, under the guidance of academic advisors, for a stated time, thus giving them a chance to succeed. However, this does not automatically mean that such a student is eligible for financial aid. Such students should consult the Financial Aid section of this catalogue, the Registrar, and the Director of Financial Aid to determine their continued eligibility for financial aid.

At the end of each semester, the Registrar reviews the record of every student and refers to the Committee on Academic Development those who have failed to achieve a semestral or cumulative index of 2.0. The faculty members, with the Dean, the Director of the Academic Center, and the Registrar as consultants, endeavor to determine the causes of the academic difficulty and recommend adjustments in program for the following term. The faculty members of the Committee serve thereafter as special advisors to those students who have been referred to them.

Full-time students who, at the end of a semester, have not achieved an index of 2.0 or higher, may not take more than 12 credits the following semester without special permission. Part-time students may not take more than 6 credits the following semester without special permission of the Academic Dean. Although the Committee on Academic Development reviews each case individually, students who continue to achieve below the required index of 2.0 will be withdrawn. Students who have been withdrawn may represent to the Dean any relevant circumstances.


A student who has been withdrawn because of unsatisfactory progress may apply to be readmitted to the College. The procedure requires a written request, assessment of previous academic record and of potential, evidence of increased motivation, and approval of the Chairperson of the Major Department and the Dean.

A student who has been reinstated is responsible for finding out the conditions, if any, which must be satisfied in order to obtain financial aid.


Final examinations are held at the end of each semester. Exceptions to this procedure require the approval of the Dean.

Real emergency such as illness is the only excuse for absence from an examination. A student who is absent from a final examination must call the Registrar on the day of the exam, giving the reason for the absence. Within one week, the student must apply for a make-up exam, stating the reason for the absence and requesting a make-up exam. A fee of twenty-five dollars is required for each late examination. By faculty regulation, a special examination may be given no sooner than one month from the date of the originally scheduled examination. The dates for such examination are listed on the academic calendar; the hours are specified by the Registrar. Students must take the make-up exam at the time specified. A student who is absent from a make-up exam will receive a grade of zero for the exam.


If a faculty member believes that a student, for a serious reason, should be allowed additional time in which to complete the requirements of a course, the faculty member may file a form with the Registrar to this effect. It is the responsibility of the student for whom such exception has been made, to see that the completed work is submitted to the instructor NO LATER THAN three weeks after the closing date of the semester.

Conversion of Incomplete and Absence Grades

All grades submitted to the Registrar’s Office with a value of I (Incomplete) or AB (Absence from final exam) or blank grades that have not been changed to a final academic grade by the instructor of the course will automatically be converted to a final grade of F one calendar year after the conclusion of the semester for which the grade was submitted. If the instructor has submitted a grade to be awarded without the missing course work, that grade will then be entered on the student’s transcript.


Students who have achieved a minimal class average of A- in a course may, at the discretion of the professor, be exempted from the final examination in that course.

Grades and Reports

Transcripts of courses and grades are issued at the end of each term. The final grade in each course is based on the class mark, weighted as 60-75% of the total, and the final exam mark, weighted as 25-40%. Grades are interpreted as follows:

Quality Grade Percentage Quality Points
Excellent A 93.0 - 100.00 4.0
  A- 90.0 - 92.9 3.7
Good B+ 87.0 - 89.9 3.3
  B 83.0 - 86.9 3.0
  B- 80.0 - 82.9 2.7
Satisfactory C+ 77.0 - 79.9 2.3
  C 73.0 - 76.9 2.0
Passing C- 70.0 - 72.9 1.7
  D+ 67.0 - 69.9 1.3
  D 63.0 - 66.9 1.0
  D- 60.0 - 62.9 0.7
Unsatisfactory F Below 60.0 0.0
*WD Student officially withdraws from a course; no grade penalty.
*WF Withdrew Failing
*WU Unofficial withdrawal before midpoint without penalty
*FN Failure for non-attendance
  *See Academic Standing
Pass/No Credit Basis
Pass P 60 - 100
Unsatisfactory NC Below 60

Leave of Absence

Students who find it necessary to interrupt their studies temporarily may apply for a leave of absence. The procedures are the same as for withdrawal from the College. (See below.) A student who is granted such a leave is considered a matriculated student, although not registered for courses, and may return at the termination of the leave without reapplying for admission. A leave of absence may be maintained for up to two semesters. A student who wishes to return from a leave of absence must contact the Assistant Dean for Student Academic Services 6–8 weeks prior to the start of the semester for advisement and registration. A student on leave who does not return after two semesters will be considered to have withdrawn.

Withdrawal from the College

Students who plan to withdraw from the College should consult the Assistant Dean and then file an official withdrawal form. All financial obligations to the College must be fully paid before a student may withdraw or graduate in good standing. In addition, a student who has received a scholarship or loan must have an exit interview with the Financial Aid Officer. (See Financial Aid Program .) It is important for financial aid purposes that the last date of attendance be officially recorded. The Administration of the College may require the withdrawal of any student whose academic record or conduct is judged unsatisfactory. St. Joseph’s College is under no obligation to re-admit students who have withdrawn from the College or who have been asked to withdraw.

Student Retention and Graduation

Of the 452 students who entered St. Joseph’s College as full-time freshmen in September 2004, 83% were still enrolled in September 2005, 72% in September 2006, and 70% in September 2007. Of the original group, 238 or 53% graduated in June 2008 after eight semesters, and 63 students graduated in June 2009 after five years bringing the original cohort group to 67%. In June 2010 after six years, 13 students graduated bringing the original cohort group to 69%.

Of the 374 students who matriculated in September 2006 as full-time transfer students, 82% were still registered in September 2007. Of these, 100 received their degree in June 2008 after four semesters. An additional 145 students were graduated in June 2009 bringing the total to 65%. In June 2010, 30 additional students graduated, bringing to 73% the percentage of the original cohort group graduated. There are 4 students of the September 2006 cohort still registered for the Spring 2011 semester.

These figures refer only to matriculated students enrolled in the School of Arts and Sciences at the Long Island Campus and do not reflect students who joined either the freshman cohort or the upper division transfer cohort at a later point. Retention and graduation figures for St. Joseph’s Main Campus and for the School of Professional and Graduate Studies are published in their respective catalogues.


Dean’s Honor List

At the beginning of each term, the Dean publishes the names of those students who in the previous academic semester attained an index of 3.65 or higher. Part-time students who attain an index of 3.65 or higher in units of 15 consecutive credits are eligible for the Dean’s List and must apply to the Registrar. (All courses in a given semester must be included, even if this brings the total number of credits above 15.) This list is posted on a special bulletin board in the main hall of the College, outside the Dean’s Office.

Departmental Honors at Graduation

A cumulative index of 3.0 and an index of 3.70 in the major field are the minimum requirements. The faculty members of the department evaluate and vote on each academically eligible candidate as a person worthy of honors. Departments may limit the number of recipients to a percentage of their graduating majors.

Degree with Honors

The degree with honors is the highest accolade. In order to be eligible for a degree with honors, students must have completed 60 credits at St. Joseph’s College, not more than 12 of which may be Pass/No Credit. For the degree summa cum laude, a cumulative index of 3.90 will be required; for magna cum laude, 3.80; and for cum laude, 3.70. The required index must be met in two calculated indices: in the four-year cumulative index, including all credits and grades taken at other colleges; and in the last 60 credits taken at St. Joseph’s College.

Honor Societies

Membership in the honor societies is based on both academic and non-academic qualifications. While the requirement of superior academic achievement is common to all the societies, the non-academic criteria for admission vary, according to the nature and purpose of the particular society.

Students who are academically eligible for an honor society, i.e., who have the required index, are notified. Eligible students must then submit to the Committee on Honors an honors application, demonstrating their possession of the specific qualifications required by the honor society to which they are applying. This honors application includes an essay by the candidate, a documented list of activities, and evaluations by faculty and others. The Committee on Honors reviews all applications and votes on membership in the honor societies.

Sigma Iota Chi

Membership in the College honor society, Sigma lota Chi-SJC, is based on academic performance as well as upon outstanding personal qualities. These qualities must be reflected, at least in part, in some involvement and/or service in extra-curricular activity at the College during the past academic year. Candidates must be individuals who represent the ideals of St. Joseph’s College. Students with an annual index of 3.7 based on grades earned at St. Joseph’s are eligible for election to membership in Sigma lota Chi for one year. Part-time students may request consideration for membership after completing the equivalent of each year’s work (30 credits). No student, full or part-time, may receive membership more than four times. A student who holds membership for three years receives the key of the society.

Kappa Gamma Pi

Kappa Gamma Pi is a national honor society for women and men graduates of colleges in the Catholic tradition. St. Joseph’s was one of the original members of this organization. Candidates must have completed seven semesters with honors; i.e. they must be eligible for graduation cum laude. (See Degree With Honors, above.) In addition, they must be leaders in extra-curricular campus or volunteer off-campus activities, and must be willing to accept membership, knowing the responsibility for individual leadership in church, civic, and Kappa sponsored activity which membership implies. No more than ten percent of the graduating class may be elected.

Delta Epsilon Sigma

Delta Epsilon Sigma is a national scholastic honor society for undergraduates, faculty, and alumni of colleges and universities with a Catholic tradition. St. Joseph’s was one of the founding colleges and is headquarters for the Epsilon Chapter. To be eligible for membership, candidates must be persons who have a record for outstanding academic accomplishment, who have shown dedication to intellectual activity, and who have accepted their responsibility of service to others. Juniors and seniors may be considered for membership, provided that they have completed one full year (30 credits) at St. Joseph’s and rank not lower than the highest twenty percent of their class in scholarship. No more than fifteen percent of a class may be elected; usually only ten percent may be elected in Junior year.

Beta Beta Beta

Tri-Beta is a national biology professional and honor society. Its program is three-fold, emphasizing the stimulation of scholarship, dissemination of scientific knowledge, and promotion of undergraduate research. To become a regular member of the Theta Iota Chapter at St. Joseph’s College, a student must have completed at least 3 semesters of biology (12 credits), have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, and have a biology course GPA of 3.0 or better. Transfer students must take at least one course at St. Joseph’s College in order to be eligible for election to the society. Service to the Biology Department and high standards of personal behavior are also required.

Delta Mu Delta

Delta Mu Delta is a national honor society that recognizes business administration students who have distinguished themselves scholastically and who have demonstrated good character and the leadership potential for a socially useful and satisfying career of service. Member ship is accorded to undergraduate seniors registered in programs of business administration who have a cumulative index of 3.2 or higher, are in the top 20 percent of their class, and are of good character. (A minimum of 18 credits in business administration must be completed at St. Joseph’s College by the time of induction.)

Kappa Mu Epsilon: New York Omicron Chapter

Kappa Mu Epsilon is a national mathematics honor society which recognizes outstanding achievement and service in the field of mathematics, while promoting an interest in mathematics among undergraduate students. It is sanctioned by the Association of College Honor Societies, and chapters are located in select colleges and universities which offer a strong mathematics major. Nominations for student membership are based on scholarship, professional merit, and service. Prospective candidates must have completed at least three semesters of the college course, including a minimum of three college courses in mathematics, of which one must be calculus, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all mathematics courses, and an overall class rank in the upper 35% of the class. Transfer students may apply after completing at least one mathematics course at St. Joseph’s College, with a minimum grade of B.

Lambda Pi Eta

Lambda Pi Eta is the national communication honor society sponsored by the National Communication Association. To become a member, a student must have completed at least 60 semester hours in college and at least 12 semester hours of communication study, have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, have a communication studies GPA of at least 3.25, be in the upper 35% of the graduating class, and display commitment to the field of communication. Minors and concentrates are eligible for membership, provided they meet the criteria.

Phi Alpha Theta

St. Joseph’s has a chapter, Phi Mu, of the international history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta. Membership in Phi Mu is open to the whole student body. Student membership is based on a 3.5 index in at least 12 credits of History and an index of 3.0 in 2/3 of the remaining courses. (Six of the 12 credits must be taken at St. Joseph’s College. Advanced Placement courses do not count toward the 12 credits.)

Pi Gamma Mu

A chapter of Pi Gamma Mu, the international honor society for the Social Sciences, was established at St. Joseph’s in 2008. The mission of the Society is to encourage and promote excellence in the social sciences and to uphold the ideals of scholarship and service. Students are inducted annually after achieving a GPA of 3.3 in 21 social sciences credits, including sociology, economics, political science, anthropology, and criminal justice. The Chapter elects officers and conducts charitable events.

Psi Chi

Psi Chi is the national honor society in psychology, founded to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship and to advance the science of psychology. To be eligible, undergraduates must have a major, minor, or concentration in psychology or in a field that is psychological in nature, such as human relations. They must have completed at least three semesters in college and at least nine credits of psychology, with an overall GPA of 3.5 and a GPA of 3.0 in psychology. High standards of personal behavior are also required.

Sigma Delta Pi

Sigma Delta Pi, Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica, is the national collegiate Hispanic honor society. The purposes of the society are to honor those who attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking people; to honor those who have made the Hispanic contributions to modern culture better known in the English-speaking world; to encourage college and university students to acquire a greater interest in and a deeper understanding of Hispanic culture; to foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the nations of Hispanic speech and those of English speech; to serve its members in ways which will contribute to the attainment of the goals and ideals of the society. To be eligible for membership, students must have completed three semesters of college courses and at least three years of college Spanish (18 credits), including at least three semester hours of a third-year course in Hispanic literature or civilization and culture. Their grades in all Spanish courses must average 3.0, and they must rank in the upper 35% of their class. They must show interest in things Hispanic and be of good moral character.

Sigma Tau Delta

St. Joseph’s has a chapter, Alpha Iota Omicron, of the International English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta. The purposes of the society are to confer distinction for high achievement in the English language and literature, to promote interest in the English language and literature, and to foster the discipline of English in all its aspects, including creative and critical writing. Membership is open to juniors and seniors who have a major, minor, or concentration in English; an overall GPA of 3.0; and an index of 3.2 in at least 12 credits of English.

Theta Alpha Kappa

Theta Alpha Kappa is the national honor society for religious studies and theology. Honoring excellence in the fields of theology and religious studies is its primary purpose, and it currently hosts over 200 local chapters throughout the United States. To be inducted into the society, students must have completed at least three semesters at an institution having a local chapter in good standing, completed a minimum of twelve semester credits in courses representing religious studies or theological studies, attained a grade point average of 3.5 in such courses, attained at least a 3.0 grade point average in their total academic program, and been ranked in the upper 35% of their class in general scholarship.

Upsilon Pi Epsilon

Upsilon Pi Epsilon is an international honor society whose membership consists of outstanding undergraduate and graduate students and faculty in Computing and Information Disciplines. Members are chosen not only for their scholastic achievement in a computing science program, but also for distinguishing themselves as true professionals. Membership is limited to those who can effectively achieve the original goals of the society, which include: the recognition of outstanding talent in the field of computing science; the promotion of scholarship and the maintenance of high standards in computing science; the representation of computing science in interdiscipinary communications; and the encouragement of individual contributions to society through computing science. To be eligible for election to membership, undergraduate students shall have attained a GPA of at least 3.0 and have completed at least 45 semester hours of credit, including 15 semester hours in the basic Computing and Information System Courses. Prospective student members must be enrolled in a degree program in Computing and Information Disciplines at the time they are considered for membership.

Awarding of Degrees

Graduation exercises are held annually in May at which time diplomas are distributed. No student may participate unless all requirements have been fulfilled. Diplomas are also distributed in January for students whose degrees are conferred in August or January.

Special Programs

Honors Program

The Long Island campus of St. Joseph’s College offers eligible students the opportunity to participate in a three-semester Honors Program as part of their bachelor’s degree. The intent of the program is to provide an enriched and rigorous academic experience, meeting the special needs of those students who have demonstrated extraordinary academic accomplishment and ability and who are committed to achieving their full potential. While these students do share common classes within the Honors Program, they also take courses outside the Honors Program, based on their personal choices, each semester. This offers them the perfect balance of academic challenge, community and flexibility to explore new areas and meet new people.

Students, selected on the basis of high school grades, SAT/ACT scores and essay, participate in the Honors Program learning community, taking five courses towards their core requirements that will provide an interdisciplinary perspective. Faculty teaching in the program collaborate as members of the learning community, implementing ways to challenge students in their intellectual development. Honors program courses will be taken in the first year, followed by a capstone course (LA201, one credit) in the third semester, the fall of sophomore year. In the spring of sophomore year, participants will travel with faculty as they broaden their understanding of the world through cultural adventuring. Destinations vary but have included American sites such as Washington, DC and overseas sites, for example, Ireland, Puerto Rico, and France. Successful completion of the program will be noted on the student’s transcript and become part of the student’s permanent academic record.

Combined BA/BS+MBA Program

This accelerated program offered at St. Joseph’s College enables students to earn an undergraduate degree and a Master of Business Administration in five years. The program is open to all, but is designed to articulate with the Mathematics Actuary Track or the Computer Information Systems major. In fall of junior year students must complete the application process for the MBA program. For details about this program, students should consult the Director of Graduate Management Studies.

Combined BS/MBA in Accounting

This accelerated program combines the BS in Business Administration with a major in Accounting and the MBA in Accounting. It is designed to prepare students for careers in public accounting and meets the education requirements for licensure as a Certified Public Accountant in New York State. For further details, students should consult the catalogue section for Business Administration and Accounting and the Director of Graduate Management Studies.

High School-College Articulation: Bridge Program

To provide a bridge between high school and college for qualified seniors, St. Joseph’s College offers selected courses at local high schools. Courses are determined in consultation with the High School Principal and the College Department Chairpersons.

Non-Matriculated Students

Qualified high school seniors recommended by their grade advisors and/or principals may register for college courses for credit. (See also, Early Admission Plan .)

Adults who wish to take occasional college courses may register as non-matriculated students. Applications are available in the Admissions Office. A non-matriculated student may accumulate as many as 18 credits. The student may not take additional courses unless he/she applies and is accepted for matriculation. The person seeking to enroll in this category will be subject to the application requirements and procedures described in the Admissions section of this catalogue.

Summer Sessions and Intersession

Three Summer Sessions and a January Intersession are held to accommodate students who for a variety of reasons wish to attend. Non-matriculated students are welcome.

Matriculated students who wish to attend other colleges should consult the preceding section on Courses at Other Colleges.

Student’s Right to Privacy and Access to Records

Public Law 93-380, usually titled “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act,’’ or more often known simply as the Buckley Amendment, prohibits release of any material in a student’s file without the written consent of the college student. This law also affords students the right to review the contents of their official academic folders, except for those documents excluded by Law 93-380, as amended.

Students who wish to inspect their folders are required to complete the REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE OF STUDENT FILE INFORMATION. These forms are available in the Registrar’s Office and in the Office of the Dean. Students who wish to challenge the contents of their folders as inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate, should follow the informal and formal proceedings outlined in the current Student Handbook.

Student Complaints

A student who has a complaint about an academic matter should follow the procedures set forth in the Student Handbook under Student Grievance Procedures in Academic Matters. No adverse action will be taken against any student who files a complaint.

It is the responsibility of all students to inform the College of any change in their mailing address. Failure to do so relieves the College of any liability in the event that important correspondence is not received by the student. All e-mail correspondence will be conducted through the student’s St. Joseph’s College e-mail address.