2011-2013 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Sep 28, 2024  
2011-2013 Undergraduate Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registers (Professional and Graduate Studies)

Board of Trustees

W. Christian Drewes, B.A., J.D., ’12 Chair
Frank Lourenso, B.B.A., M.B.A., ’12 Vice Chair
Stephen Hochberg, B.A., J.D., ’13 Secretary to the Board
Mary M. Lai, M.A., D.H.L., ’12 Finance Chair
Mark B. Anderson, B.A., M.B.A., ’13
Sheila Baird, B. Com., ’13
Matthew Barbis, B.S., ’16
Peter Boger, B.S., M.B.A., ’16
John R. Bransfield, Jr., B.S., M.S., ’12
Mary Butz, BA., M.A., ’13
Christopher R. Carroll, B.A., J.D., ’12
John A. Danzi, ’12
Mary Ellen Freeley, M.S., Ed.D., ’11
S. Elizabeth A. Hill, M.A., J.D., Ex Officio
S. Elizabeth A. Johnson, M.A., Ph.D., ’13
Daniel J. Keane, B.S., J.D., ’13
S. Helen Kearney, M.A., Ph.D., ’16
Dennis McCarthy, B.A., ’12
S. John Raymond McGann, M.A., Ph.D., L.H.D., ’12
S. Kathleen McKinney, M.S., Ed.D., ’12
Margaret M. Meegan, M.S., M.S., ’13
Peter M. Meyer, B.S., M.B.A., ’13
Frances Resheske, B.A., ’13
Erminia Rivera, ’11
Peter M. Rogers, B.B.A., ’12
Paul Peter Romanello, M.D., ’13
Lisa Rose, B.S., ’11
William P. Tucker, B.A., J.D., ’13

Trustees Emeriti

N. Hilton Rosen, M.B.A., J.D.
S. Maria F. Stapleton, M.A.

Office of the President

S. Elizabeth A. Hill, M.A., J.D., President
  S. Mary Florence Burns, Ph.D., L.H.D., Assistant to the President
Doris Stratmann, M.A., Assistant to the President for Special Projects

Academic Affairs

S. Loretta McGrann, Ph.D., Provost
  Mark Hessler, Ph.D., Coordinator of Innovative Instruction
Rupert Campbell, M.B.A., Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives
Camille Karlson, M.S., Coordinator of Online Instruction
Richard Greenwald, Ph.D., Academic Dean of School of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn Campus
  Jill Rehmann, Ph.D., Associate Dean
Michael Larson, M.A., M.F.A., Director of ACES Program
Janine Latham, B.A., PGCE, Assistant to the Dean and Director of the Academic Center
Christopher Frost, Academic Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, Long Island Campus
  S. Suzanne Franck, Ph.D., Associate Academic Dean
Debra Zaech, M.S.W., C.S.W., Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
S. Karen Donohue, M.S., P.D., Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
Thomas G. Travis, Ph.D: Vice President for Planning and Dean of the School of Professional and Graduate Studies
  Eileen Mullen, M.S., Associate Dean
Linda F. Fonte, M.S., Associate Dean, Brooklyn Campus
S. Carole Anne Lessard, M.A., Assistant Dean, Brooklyn Campus
Angela M. Diaz, M.S., Assistant Dean, Brooklyn Campus
Camille Karlson, M.S., Associate Dean, Long Island Campus
Mary Herold, M.S., Assistant Dean, Long Island Campus
Shannon O’Neill, M.S., Assistant Dean, Long Island Campus
Carolann Miller, M.B.A., Assistant Dean, Long Island Campus
Kaliah Greene, M.B.A., Assistant Dean, Long Island Campus


William Meng, Ph.D., M.S.L.I.S., Director of Library, Brooklyn Campus
Terri Corbin-Hutchinson, B.A., M.L.S., Director of Library, Long Island Campus

Registration and Records

Robert Pergolis, M.A., College Registrar
Johanna Frost-Johnsen, M.A., Director of Records and Registration, Brooklyn Campus
Karen Spegele, Director of Scheduling and Registration, Long Island Campus

Dillon Child Study Center

Susan Straut Collard, Ph.D., Director

Enrollment Management


Theresa LaRocca Meyer, M.S., P.D., Vice President for Enrollment Management; Director of Admissions, Brooklyn Campus
  Michael Learmond, B.A., Director of Admissions Operations, Brooklyn Campus
Gigi Lamens, M.S., Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Director of Admissions, Long Island Campus
  Debra A. Walling, M.B.A., Director of Admissions Operations, Long Island Campus
William Vallar, M.S. Ed., M.B.A., Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management
Robert Napolitano, B.B.A., Director of Admissions, School of Professional and Graduate Studies, Brooklyn Campus
Stephen Albano, B.A., Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management and Associate Director of Admissions, Brooklyn Campus
Lucille Curley, M.B.A., Director of Admissions, School of Professional and Graduate Studies, Long Island Campus

Financial Aid

Amy Thompson, B.A., Director of Financial Aid
  Linda Pasquale, B.S., Associate Director, Brooklyn Campus
Theresa Krammer, B.A., Associate Director, Long Island Campus

Student Life

Susan M. Hudec, Ph.D., Dean of Students and Student Life
  Bryan Gill, M.S., M.B.A., Assistant to the Dean of Students and Student Life
Michele Corsetti, M.S.Ed., Coordinator of Off-Campus Housing

Office of Student Activities and Co-Curricular Programs

Sherrie VanArnam, B.A., Assistant Dean of Students
  Jaime Vacca-Hoefner, B.A., Director of Student Activities and Co-Curricular Programs, Brooklyn Campus
Marian Russo, M.A. Director of Student Activities and Co-Curricular Programs, Long Island Campus
  Celeste Guarneri, B.F.A., Associate Director of Student Activities and Co-Curricular Programs, Long Island Campus
Christy Jean, M.A., Director of Multicultural Student Life, Long Island Campus
Frank P. Carbone, B.S., Director of Athletics, Brooklyn Campus
Don Lizak, B.S., Director of Athletics, Long Island Campus
Priscilla Castellano, B.S., Director, Danzi Center, Long Island Campus

Office of Career Development, Wellness and Disability Services

Frank LaTerra-Bellino, M.S.Ed., Executive Director
  Lillian Shmulevich, M.A., Associate Director, Brooklyn Campus
Jen-Mai Wong Ph.D., Psychologist, Brooklyn Campus
Jacqueline Merriweather, M.S.Ed., Associate Director, Long Island Campus
Mary Schultz, Ph.D., Psychologist, Director of Wellness Center, Long Island Campus
Cheryl Kurash, Ph.D., Psychologist, Long Island Campus

Campus Ministry

Brooklyn Campus

S. Susan Wilcox, M.S., Director of Campus Ministry, Brooklyn Campus
Rev. Dennis J. Farrell, M.Div.
Clergy of various faiths offer their services to students.

Long Island Campus

Patrick Tracy, M.A., M.Div., Director of Campus Ministry, Long Island Campus
Rev. Francis Pizzarelli, S.M.M., M.A., M.S.W.
Clergy of various faiths offer their services to students.

Technology and Information Services

Kenneth McCollum, Ph.D., Chief Information Officer
  Lichele Abear Lucatorto, M.B.A., Executive Director of Client Services
Michelle Papajohn, M.B.A., Executive Director of Enterprise Systems
Maureen Williams, B.S., Executive Director of Technology Education
Tadeusz Dec, M.A., Executive Director of Network Operations

Business Affairs

John C. Roth, M.B.A., Chief Financial Officer
  Georgeann Kelly, B.S., Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer
Matt Brellis, M.S., C.P.A., Controller
D’adra Crump, M.B.A., Executive Director of Human Resources
Maureen Francis, M.B.A., Director of Payroll
Nancy Lowery, MBA, Director of Institutional Budgets
Joy Privitera, M.B.A., Bursar

Institutional Advancement

Nancy Connors, M.S., Vice President for Institutional Advancement
  Mary Jo Chiara, B.A., Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations and Stewardship
Matthew Colson, M.S., Director of Alumni Relations, Long Island Campus
Kathleen Carey, B.A., Executive Director of Print and Digital Communications
Clare Kehoe, B.A., Assistant Vice President for Grants and Planned Giving
Jessica McAleer Decatur, B.A., Director of Public Relations, Long Island Campus
Michael Banach, M.A., Director of Public Affairs, Brooklyn Campus

Faculty Emeriti

John A. Arnez, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Economics

S. Anne Behre, Ed.D
Professor Emeritus of Child Study

Josephine Belloso, M.A.
Professor Emeritus of Art

Allan Bock, M.B.A.
Professor Emeritus of Business

S. Mary Florence Burns, Ph.D., L.H.D.
Professor Emeritus of English

S. Miriam Honora Corr, Ed.D.
Professor Emeritus of Child Study

S. Catherine Cunningham, M.L.S.
Professor Emeritus, Library

Margaret Jennings, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of English

S. Karen Kenney, M.Ed., M.A.
Professor Emeritus of Child Study

Dorothy A. King, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of English

S. Rosemary Lesser, M.A.
Professor Emeritus of Child Study

S. Mary Maier, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

S. John Raymond McGann, Ph.D., L.H.D.
Professor Emeritus of Education

S. Agnes Meagher, M.A., M.S.
Director Emeritus, Callahan Library

S. Rosamond O’Keefe, M.S.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology

Robert Radus, Diplomé, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of French

S. Teresa Ryan, M.A., M.L.S.
Director Emeritus, McEntegart Library

Louis J. Teutonico, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Morton Thompson, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Recreation

Barbara Thorpe, M.S.
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Margaret Ward, M.A.
Professor Emeritus of Physical Education

S. Alice Francis Young, M.A.
Professor Emeritus of Child Study

Full-Time Faculty

Isabel Alfonso, Assistant Professor of Spanish
B.A., Universidad de La Habana; Ph.D., University of Miami

Alexander Altman, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., M.A., St. John’s University; M.Phil., Ph.D., Graduate Center of the City University of New York

S. Jean Amore, Professor of Child Study
B.S., Brentwood College; M.A., Ed.D., Columbia University

Elizabeth Anslow, Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., Hunter College; M.A., Ph.D., Yeshiva University

Francis Antonawich, Professor of Biology
B.S., University of Rochester; M.S., Ph.D., New York University

Seth Armus, Professor of History
B.A., University of Minnesota; M.A., Ph.D., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Karen Auh, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Dan Kook University; M.S., Korea University; M.S., New York University

James J. Barkocy, Assistant Professor of Business
B.A., St. Francis College; M.B.A., Advanced Professional Certificate, New York University

Heather Barry, Associate Professor of History
B.A., M.A., Pepperdine University; Ph.D., SUNY, Stony Brook

Ellen Bartley, Assistant Professor of Accounting
B.B.A., M.S., Adelphi University; Ph.D. Cand., New York University

Kenneth Bauzon, Professor of Political Science
B.A., Silliman University, Philippines; M.A. (History), M.A. (Political Science), Ph.D., Duke University

E. Jane Beckwith, Associate Professor of Art
B.A., Seton Hill College; M.F.A., Pratt Institute

William F. Bengston, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Niagara University; M.A., St. John’s University; Ph.D., Fordham University

Esther Berkowitz, Associate Professor of Child Study;
Director, M.A. in Literacy and Cognition, Brooklyn Campus B.A., M.S., Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y; M.S., Adelphi University; Ph.D., Fordham University

Leon Bernardyn, Assistant Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., Peabody Conservatory; GPD, Johns Hopkins University

Raymond Betances, Assistant Professor of Business
B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College

K. Candis Best, Assistant Professor of Community Health and Human Services;
Co-Director, M.S. in Human Services Management and Leadership B.S., St. John’s University; J.D., Villanova University School of Law; M.S., Adelphi University; Ph.D., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

S. Miriam Blake, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.S., Brentwood College; M.S., Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y.; M.S., Iona College

James Blakeley, Assistant Professor of History
B.A., Lewis and Clark College; M.A., Portland State University; Ph.D., University of Arizona, Tucson

Laurel Janssen Breen, Associate Professor of Nursing
R.N., B.S.N., College Misericordia; M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Monica Brennan, Professor of History
B.A., M.A., Portland State University; Ph.D., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Lorraine Brown, Assistant Professor of Nursing
R.N., B.S.N., Hunter College; M.S.N., Boston University

S. Margaret Buckley, Professor of Education
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Ed.D., Columbia University; L.H.D.

Michael Burke, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
B. A., Fordham University; M.A., Boston College; Ph.D., Loyola University

Michelle Caccavano, Assistant Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., D.S., D.N.P., SUNY at Stony Brook

S. Elizabeth Calfapietra, Professor of Child Study
B.S., Brentwood College; M.S., Fordham University; M.S., Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y.; Ed.D., Columbia University

Rupert Campbell, Assistant Professor of Business, Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives
B.A., Huston-Tillotson College; M.B.A., Long Island University

John J. Capela, Assistant Professor of Business
B.S., Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus; M.B.A., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Barbara Carlstrom, Assistant Professor of Nursing
R.N.; B.S.N., M.S.N., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Jeremy Cash, Instructor of Recreation
B.F.A., Philadelphia College of Art; M.S.Ed., Lehman College, C.U.N.Y.

S. Mary Ann Cashin, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.S., Brentwood College; M.S., S.U.N.Y., Albany

Mary Chance, Assistant Professor of Business; Director, Graduate Management Studies
B.S., St. Francis College; C.P.A.; M.S.T., Long Island University

Gerald Cohen, Assistant Professor Mathematics and Computer Science
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University

Susan Straut Collard, Professor of Child Study and Director of Dillon Child Study Center
B.A., Drew University; M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University

Christina Colon-Downs, Assistant Professor of Psychology
A.A.S., Fashion Institute of Technology; B.S., M.A., Ph.D., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Joan Curtis, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Adelphi University; M.A., Ed.D, Columbia University

Raymond D’Angelo, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Duquesne University; M.A., New School for Social Research; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr

Edgar Daniels, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., Widener University; M.S., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus; M.A.L.S., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook; NBCT

Phillip A. Dehne, Professor of History
B.A., Lafayette College, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Tetyana Delaney, Associate Professor of Biology
M.S., Kiev National University, Kiev, Ukraine; Ph.D. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Kiev, Ukraine

Maureen DelMonico, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.A.L.S., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Maria Lamicella DiCarlo, Associate Professor of Education
B.S., Manhattan College; M.S., Ed.D., St. John’s University

Sharon Didier, Assistant Professor of Business
B.S., California State University; M.B.A., Monterey Institute of International Studies; Ph.D., University of Santa Barbara; Ph.D., Capella University

Margaret Eckert-Norton, Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Cornell University; M.S., Columbia University; Ph.D., New York University

C. Edward Emmer, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
B.A., University of Notre Dame; M.A., Duquesne University

Frank Faber, Assistant Professor of Business and Accounting
B.B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Long Island University

Joseph Fanuele, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., M.A., P.D., St. John’s University; Ph.D., Hofstra University

George Fasano, Assistant Professor of Business
B.B.A., M.B.A., Baruch College, C.U.N.Y.; C.P.A.

Marie Fitzgerald, Professor of History
B.S., University of Dayton; M.A.L.S., M.A., Ph.D., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Maria Anne Fletcher, Associate Professor of Nursing
R.N.; B.S., Hunter College; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., Adelphi University

Stanley F. Fox, Associate Professor of Business
B.S., New York University; M.B.A., Baruch College, C.U.N.Y.; Ph.D., Walden University

S. Suzanne Franck, Associate Professor of Religious Studies
B.S., St. John’s University; M.A., Queens College, C.U.N.Y.; M.A., Seminary of Immaculate Conception; Ph.D., Fordham University

Barry Friedman, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y.; Ph.D., Hofstra University

Sharon Friedman-Urevich, Assistant Professor of Nursing
R.N., Middletown Psychiatric Center; B.S.N., M.S.N., F.N.P., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus; D.N.P., SUNY at Stony Brook

S. Jane Fritz, Assistant Professor of Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., Brentwood College; M.S.E.E., M.S.C.Sc., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Mary Fritz, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.A., St. John’s University; M.S., Fordham University; P.D., Ed.D., St. John’s University

Christopher Frost, Academic Dean and Professor of Religious Studies and Psychology
B.A., Baylor University; M.A., Ph.D., Boston University

Steven Fuchs, Associate Professor of History
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY, Stony Brook

Patricia S. Gabel, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Marymount Manhattan College; M.A., M.Phil., Fordham University

Carolyn Gallogly, Associate Professor of Community Health and Human Services;
Co-Director, M.S. in Human Services Management and Leadership B.A., St. Mary-of-the-Woods College; M.A., University of Michigan; Ph.D., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Jill E. Gelormino, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.S., M.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., S.U.N.Y., Buffalo

S. Nancy Gilchriest, SSND, Associate Professor of Education
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University; P.D., Ed. D., St. John’s University

Paul Ginnetty, Professor of Psychology
B.A., Boston College; M.Div., M.A., St. John’s University; Ph.D., City University of New York

Nicole Gitau, Instructor, Library
B.A., Vassar College; M.S.L.S., Pratt Institute

Dewey Golkin, Assistant Professor of Business
B.S., University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business; M.S., University of Pennsylvania; J.D., Brooklyn Law School; LL.M., Temple University Law School

Katherine Granelli, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus;
Ed.D., Hofstra University

Richard Greenwald, Academic Dean and Professor of History and Social Science
B.A., Queens College; Ph.D., New York University

Thomas Grochowski, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., University of Pittsburgh; M.F.A., Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y.; M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Rosemarie Hamlin, Assistant Professor of Speech
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Teachers College, Columbia University; CCC-SLP

Michael J. Hanophy, Professor of Biology
B.S., Fairfield University; M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D., St. John’s University

Jan Harting-McChesney, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.A., S.U.N.Y., Pottsdam; M.S., S.U.N.Y., Oneonta; M.S.Ed., Adelphi University; Ed.D, Hofstra University

Paul Hawryluk, Professor of Psychology
B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., Fairleigh Dickinson University; M.A., Ph.D., Adelphi University

Carol J. Hayes, Professor of Biology
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Adelphi University; Ph.D., New York University

John W. Hazzard, Assistant Professor of Sociology
B.A., Houghton College; M.A., Adelphi University

Ruth Hazzard, Assistant Professor, Library
B.A., William Smith College; M.A., Adelphi University; M.S.L.S., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Antoinette Hertel, Associate Professor of Spanish
B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison; M.Phil., Ph.D., New York University

Mark Hessler, Professor of History
B.A., Southampton College; M.A., Ph.D., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

S. Elizabeth A. Hill, President
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Columbia University; J.D., St. John’s University School of Law

Victoria Hong, Assistant Professor of Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., Polytechnic University; M.B.A., Rutgers University

Wendy P. Hope, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.A., University of the West Indies (Barbados); M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Andrew Jacobs, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
B.A., Trevecca Nazarene University; M.A.R., Yale Divinity School; M. Phil., Ph.D., Fordham University

Cynthia Jacunski, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.S., Mercy College; M.S., Ed.D., Dowling College

Eileen White Jahn, Professor of Business
B.A., S.U.N.Y., Binghamton; M.B.A., New York University; Ph.D., Graduate Center of the City University of New York/Baruch

Florence L. Jerdan, Associate Professor of Nursing
R.N.; B.A., Southampton College of Long Island University; B.S.N., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., Adelphi University

Jeonghee Kang, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Pusan National University, South Korea; Ph.D., University of Missouri at Kansas City

*S. Helen Kearney, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Lauren Kehoe, Instructor, Library
B.A., New York University; M.S.L.S., Pratt Institute

Mary Keller, Assistant Professor, Library
B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Adelphi University; M.L.S., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Agatha Kelly, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., Brooklyn College; M.S., College of Staten Island; Ed.D., St. John’s University

S. Eileen Kelly, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.S., Brentwood College; M.S., College of New Rochelle

Tae Sook Kim, Professor of Nursing
R.N.; B.A., Kei-Myung University, Korea; B.S.N., M.S.N., Columbia University; Ph.D., New York University

S. Eleace King, Assistant Professor of Child Study; Co-Director, M.A. in Infant-Toddler Early Childhood Special Education
A.B., Marywood College; M.S., Yeshiva University; Ed.D., The Johns Hopkins University

Robert Krug, Assistant Professor of Business
B.S., Brooklyn College, CUNY; M. B. A., Pace University; E.D.M., Case Western Reserve University

Dimitriy Kupis, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
M.S., Kharkiv State Polytechnic University, Ukraine

Bogumila Lai, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology

Gail Lamberta, Professor of Recreation
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Adelphi University; Ph.D., Walden University

Mirella Landriscina, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.A., New York University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Robert Lasner, Instructor, Library, Brooklyn Campus
B.A., M.A., M.L.S., Queens College, C.U.N.Y.

Kim Lavery, Instructor of Speech
B.A., Seton Hall University; M.A., Bowling Green State University

Kirk Lawrence, Instructor of Sociology
B.A., Michigan State University; M.A., DePaul University, Ph.D. Cand., University of California

Dawn Lee, Assistant Professor of Art
B.F.A., Colorado State University; M.F.A., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Quincy Lehr, Assistant Professor of History
B.A., University of Texas, Austin; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University

Claire Lenz, Associate Professor of Child Study
Director, M.A. in Literacy and Cognition, Suffolk Campus B.S., S.U.N.Y., Oneonta; M.A.L.S., S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook; Ed.D., St. John’s University; P.D., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Jill Levin, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.A., Brooklyn College; M.S., C.W. Post Center of Long Island University; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University

Peter Lin, Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., Queens College, C.U.N.Y; M.S., Columbia University; Ph.D., Yeshiva University

S. Mary Febronia Loewenstein, Assistant Professor of Mathematics/Child Study
B.S., M.A., St. John’s University; P.D., Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y.

Philip Lombardo, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Hamilton College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Connecticut

Robin Lombardo, Assistant Professor of Recreation
B.A., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook; M.S., Herbert H. Lehman College, C.U.N.Y.

S. Patricia Manning, Assistant Professor of Art
B.S., Brentwood College; M.A., Brooklyn College

Robert Marose, Associate Professor of Business
B.S., University of Notre Dame; M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology; M.S., Adelphi University; Ph.D. Polytechnic University of New York

Peter J. Mascuch, Associate Professor of English
B.F.A, New York University; M.Phil., Ph.D., Graduate Center, CUNY

Peter Maust, Instructor of History
A.B., Middlebury College; M.A., Ph.D. Cand., Cornell University

William McAllister, Assistant Professor of Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., New York University; M.S., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; M.S., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Ted McGlone, Associate Professor of Economics
B.A., New York University; Ph.D., University of Utah

S. Loretta McGrann, Provost and Professor of English
B.A. Seton Hill College; M.A., Brooklyn College; Ph.D., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Karen Megay-Nespoli, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., M.S., Queens College, C.U.N.Y.; P.D., St. John’s University; Ed.D., Columbia University

William Meng, Assistant Professor and Director of Library, Brooklyn Campus
Ph.D., University of Munich; M.I.A., Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs; M.S.L.I.S., Pratt Institute

Rick Miller, Associate Professor of Art
B.A., New York University; M.F.A., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Mayumi Miyaoka, Instructor, Library
B.A., Temple University; M.L.I.S., San Jose State University

Maria Montoya, Professor of Spanish
Diploma, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain; B.A., M.A., Hunter College, C.U.N.Y.; Ph.D., Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Joseph Moreno, Assistant Professor of Education
B.A., M.S., Ph.D., St. John’s University; M.D., University of Mexico

Kone Moriamou, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., University of Abidjan, Ivory Coast; M.S., Wayne State University;
Ph.D., Polytechnic University

Barbara Morrell, Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., Regis College; M.A., S.U.N.Y., Albany; Ph.D., Rutgers University

Margaret Moss, Assistant Professor of Education
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Queens College; P.D., Fordham University

Susan Nakley, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University

Valerie Nappi-Giordano, Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., Molloy College; M.S., Ph.D., Albany Medical College

Stanley A. Nevins, Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Manhattan College; M.A., Ph.D., Fordham University

Robert J. Nobile, Assistant Professor of Business/Organizational Management
B.A., Adelphi University; M.S., Long Island University; J.D., St. John’s University School of Law

Ralph Nofi, Assistant Professor of Business
B.B.A., University of Notre Dame; M.B.A., New York University

Kerry Ojakian, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., University of Michigan; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

Elenice Oliveira, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., M.A., Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil; Ph.D., Rutgers University

Gretchen Owens, Professor of Child Study
B.A., Catholic University of America; M.S., Hofstra University; Ph.D. S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook

Richard Paganini, Assistant Profesor of Speech
B.S., M.S., Kansas State Teachers College

Joseph Pascarella, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., Rowan University; M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice; M.Phil., Ph.D., City University of New York, Graduate Center

Lisa Patterson, Assistant Professor, Library
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S.L.I.S., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Catherine Pearsall, Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S.N., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook;
Ph.D., FNP, Duquesne University

S. Elizabeth Pearson, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.S., Misericordia College; M.A., Marywood University; Ph.D., St. Louis University

Roy R. Pellicano, Associate Professor of Education
B.A., Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus; M.S., Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y.; Ed.D., Columbia University

Charles Pendola, Assistant Professor of Business
B.B.A., St. John’s University; M.P.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, C.U.N.Y.; M.P.S., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus; J.D., Touro Law Center; C.P.A.

Lauren Grace Pete, Associate Professor of Health Administration
B.A., M.A., City College, C.U.N.Y.; J.D., Benjamin Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University; M.Phil., Ph.D., City University Graduate Center, C.U.N.Y.

Thomas I. Petriano, Professor of Religious Studies
B.A., Cathedral College; M.Div., Seminary of the Immaculate Conception; Ph.D., Fordham University

Diane Pfadenhauer, Assistant Professor of Business
B.A., State University of New York; J.D., St. John’s University School of Law; M.S., New York Institute of Technology

Judith R. Phagan, Associate Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Long Island University; D.A., St. John’s University

Donna Pirich, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY, Stony Brook; Ph.D., Adelphi University

Patricia Posthauer, Assistant Professor of Speech
B.A., M.S., Dowling College; M.A., Hofstra University

Andrew Quinn, Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.S., St. John’s University; Ph.D., Fordham University

Jennifer Quirk, Assistant Professor, Library
B.A., S.U.N.Y., Geneseo; M.L.S., Queens College, C.U.N.Y.

Mohammad Afzal Rana, Professor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Punjab University; Ph.D., University of London

Julie Raplee, Assistant Professor of Speech
B.S., M.S., SUNY at Fredonia; LSP/CCC (ASHA Certification)

Jill Rehmann, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.A., Reed College; M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University

Elana Reiser, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.A., SUNY, Binghamton; Ed.D., Teachers College Columbia University

Marc Ricciardi, Associate Professor of English
B.A., Fordham University; M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Olga Rios-Soria, Assistant Professor of Spanish
B.A., University of Redlands; Ph.D., University of New Mexico

Shawn Robertson, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., SUNY, Cortland; M.S., Queens College; M.A., Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts; Ed.D., St. John’s University

Stephen Rockwell, Associate Professor of Political Science
B.A., Fordham University; M.A., Ph.D., Brandeis University

Louise S. Rose, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Sarah Lawrence College; M.A., Columbia University

Joseph Ross, Assistant Professor of Speech
B.A., Rider College; M.A., Emerson College; Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

S. Grace Edna Rowland, Associate Professor of Speech Communication
B.S., Brentwood College; M.A., Adelphi University; Ph.D., Union Institute and University

Moira E. Royston, Professor of Biology
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Queens College, C.U.N.Y.; Ph.D., St. John’s University

Karen Russo, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.A., M.S., Ed.D., St. John’s University

S. Joan Ryan, Assistant Professor, Library
B.S., St. John’s University; M.A., Catholic University of America; M.A., Seminary of the Immaculate Conception; M.S.L.S., C.W.Post Center of Long Island University

Barbara Sands, Professor of Nursing; Director of Nursing Program
R.N.; B.A., Long Island University; B.S., Salem State College; M.S., Boston University; M.P.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., Adelphi University

John Sardelis, Associate Professor of Health Administration
B.A., Hunter College, CUNY; M.S., New York University; Dr.P.H., Columbia University

Warren T. Schultz, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., Queens College, CUNY; M.S., St. John’s University; P.D., Queens College, CUNY

Rachel Schwartz, Assistant Professor of Sociology
B.A., University of Texas; M.A., New School for Social Research; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University

Robert Seperson, Assistant Professor of Business
B.A., Long Island University, Southampton Campus; M.B.A., Dowling College

David Seppala-Holtzman, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook; M.Sc., D.Phil., Oxford University

Diane Sherlip, Associate Professor of Psychology
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, CUNY; B.A., SUNY, Stony Brook;
M.A., Ph.D., Adelphi University

Victoria Siegmund, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.A., M.S., Queens College, CUNY; M.S., Ed.D., St. John’s University

Joan Silver, Associate Professor of Child Study; Director, M.A. in Childhood/Adolescence Special Education
B.S., Ohio University; M.S., C.W. Post Center of Long Island University; P.D., Ed.D., St. John’s University

Vasil Skenderi, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Diploma in Mathematics; Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.), University of Tirana, Albania

John J. Skinnon, Assistant Professor of Accounting
B.B.A., Dowling College; M.S.T., Long Island University, Brentwood Campus; CPA

Christopher Smith, Assistant Professor of Business
B.S., B.A., New York University; M.B.A., St. John’s University; C.P.A.

Andrea Stadler, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.S., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

Lynne Stucchio, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., P.D., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus; Ed.D., Hofstra University

Charles Swensen, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.S., St. Peter’s College; M.A., Ed.D., Columbia University

Jill Swensen, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Hofstra University

Lisa Tafuro, Assistant Professor of Speech
B.A., Rutgers University; M.S., Arizona State University; Ph.D., New York University

Teresa Tannazzo, Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo; M.Phil., Ph.D., Graduate School and University Center, CUNY

Terry N. Tchaconas, Associate Professor of Child Study
B.A., M.A., M.A., City College, C.U.N.Y.; M.S., Pace University; M.S., Ed.D., Columbia University

Richard Torz, Associate Professor of Economics
B.A., M.A., Queens College, C.U.N.Y.; Ph.D., Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Barbara Traola, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Long Island University

Thomas G. Travis, Vice President for Planning and Dean of the School of Professional and Graduate Studies; Professor of Adult Education
B.S., S.U.N.Y., Oneonta; M.A., Ph.D., Bowling Green State University, Ohio

Dominique Treboux, Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., Fordham University; M.A., Columbia University; Ph.D., Fordham University

William Trevino, Instructor of Speech
B.A., Claremont McKenna College; M.F.A., University of California, Irvine;
M.A., Columbia University

Wendy Turgeon, Associate Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; M.A., Ph.D., St. Louis University

Benedick Turner, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Boston University; M.A., Ph.D., New York University

S. Marie Lourdes Vanston, IHM, Assistant Professor of Child Study
B.A., M.S., Marywood University

Edward Vinski, Assistant Professor of Education
B.A., Providence College; M.S., St. John’s University; Ph.D., Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Fernando Velasquez, Assistant Professor of Spanish
B.A., Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima; Ph.D., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

Alan Vitters, Assistant Professor of Business
B.S., United States Military Academy; M.S., Ph.D., University of Utah

William Vojir, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus; M.S., Ph.D., Adelphi University

Renee White-Clark, Professor of Child Study
B.S., New York University; M.S., Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y.; Ed.D., University of Virginia

Tina Zottoli, Instructor of Psychology
B.E., Stevens Institute of Technology; M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Ph.D.Cand., CUNY Graduate Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice

*On leave

Part-Time Faculty - School of Professional and Graduate Studies Preceptors

Kevin Beiner, Health Administration
B.A., Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Hofstra University

Daniel Beni, General Studies
B.M., New York College of Music; M.S.W., University of Wisconsin; M.P.A., New York University

Angelo Berardi, General Studies
B.A., St. John’s University; M.A., New York University

Jean Black, Health Administration
A.A.S., Elizabeth Seton College; B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.P.A., New York University

Elizabeth Brady, Business
B.A., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook; M.S., New York Institute of Technology

Stephen Bronson, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College

Katherine Browne, Health Administration
B.S.N., Lehman College;p M.P.A., New York University

Angela Cammarata, Community Health and Human Services
A.A.S., Suffolk Community College; B.S., M.S.W., State University of New York at Stony Brook

Joseph Chan, Accounting
B.B.A., Baruch College; M.B.A., St. John’s University

Michael Connolly, General Studies
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College

Alonzo Cook, General Studies
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.B.A., St. Joseph’s College

Kevin Dahill, Health Administration
B.S., St. Peter’s College; M.B.A., Fordham University

Linda Darroch-Short, General Studies
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Long Island University

Carmine DeJosia, General Studies
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.B.A., Dowling College

Angela Diaz, Assistant Dean, Brooklyn Campus; Business
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Polytechnic University

Armand M. DiFilippo, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College

Arthur Dolan, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Brooklyn College

Marguerite Durkin, General Studies
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College

Linda F. Fonte, Associate Dean and Associate Director of Graduate Management Studies, Brooklyn Campus; General Studies
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Brooklyn College

Kevin Foreman, General Studies
A.A.S., Suffolk Community College; B.A., C.W. Post; J.D., Touro Law School

Debra Freedman, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.A., M.S., Brooklyn College; M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York

Johanna Frost-Johnsen, Associate Registrar, School of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn Campus; General Studies
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College; B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Brooklyn College

Gloria Gasper, Community Health and Human Services
A.A., New York City Community College; B.A., Richmond College; M.S.W., Hunter College; Ed.D., University of Massachusetts

Edward Gillespie, General Studies
B.C.E., Manhattan College; M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology

Christina Gryziec, General Studies
B.A., M.S., Queens College

Edward Harewood, Mathematics/Computer Science
A.A.S., New York City Community College; B.S., M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology

Crystal Harris, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., Brooklyn College; M.P.A., New York University

Donald Harris, General Studies
B.A., Cathedral College; M.Div., Seminary of the Immaculate Conception; J.D., St. John’s University School of Law

Eleanor Herold, General Studies
B.A., State University of New York at Albany; M.S., State Universty of New York at Stony Brook

Mary Herold, Assistant Dean for Academic Advisement and Recruitment, Long Island Campus; Community Health and Human Services
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Long Island University

Thomas Horan, Business
B.B.A., Iona College; M.S., Long Island University; C.P.A.

Martin Jaffe, Business
B.A., State University of New York at Buffalo; J.D., Brooklyn Law School

Sharon James, Health Administration
B.A., Pennsylvania State University; M.P.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Antoine J. Janniere, Business
B.S., Fordham University; M.B.A., Pace University

Renee Kantro, Business
A.A.S., Briarcliff College; B.S., St. Joseph’s College M.B.A., Long Island University

Camille Karlson, Associate Dean, Director, Organizational Management Online Program and Coordinator of Online Instruction, Long Island Campus; General Studies
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.A./L.S., State University of New York at Stony Brook

Frederic Keating, General Studies
B.A., St. John’s University; M.S., Queens College; Ed.D., Hofstra University

Kathleen Kern, General Studies
B.S., S.U.N.Y. at Old Westbury; M.S., Hofstra University

Edward Kufuor, Accounting
B.S., Norfolk State University; M.B.A. New York Institute of Technology

Rosemarie Lamar, Business
B.S., Medgar Evers College, C.U.N.Y.; M.S., New York Institute of Technolgy

Marie Losquadro, Business
B.A., Queens College; M.S., New York Institute of Technology

Judith Lovell, Business
B.A., Brooklyn College; M.S., Audrey Cohen College

Steven Marron, Business
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.B.A., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Geraldine Martinez, General Studies
B.A., Notre Dame of Wilton; M.S., St. John’s University

Carol Matthews, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.P.A., Long Island University

Michael Mauro, General Studies
B.A., Fordham University; J.D., University of Houston

Carol McDermott, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., M.B.A., St. John’s University

Richard McInerney, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., Spring Hill College; M.A., Fordham University; M.S., St. John’s University

Jean Mueller, Health Administration
R.N.; B.S., State University of New York at Stony Brook; M.P.S., New School for Social Research

Eileen Mullen, Associate Dean; General Studies
B.A. St. Joseph’s College; M.S. Queens College

D. Thomas Napolitano, Business
B.S., St. Francis College; M.B.A., Long Island University

Luke Nawrocki, General Studies
B.A., St. Francis College; M.A., New York University

Shannon O’Neill, Assistant Dean, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., M.S., St. Joseph’s College

Joseph Owens, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook; M.P.A. Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Carmen Pedrogo, General Studies
A.B., M.A., University of Miami

Elizabeth Pete, Heath Administration
B.A., Lehman College; M.A., New York University; M.S., Hahneman Medical College

Robert C. Polito, General Studies
B.A., St. Vincent College; M.A., Ph.D., St. John’s University

Rosa Lee Raines, Health Administration
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.P.A., Long Island University

Alan Ramlal, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Nova University

Margaret Regensburg, Community Health and Human Services
B.A., S.U.N.Y. Empire State College at Old Westbury; M.S.W., Ph.D. at Stony Brook University

Joan Romano, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.A., Pace University; M.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook

John Santoro, Business
A.A., Suffolk Community College; B.A., Dowling College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.S., New York Institute of Technology

Yvonne Scott, Community Health and Human Services
A.A.S., New York City Technical College; B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University

Elliot Small, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.A., New York University; J.D., Pace University School of Law

Sue Solimando, Business
B.S., M.S., St. Joseph’s College

Florence Spina, General Studies
A.A., Suffolk Community College; B.S., Buffalo State College; M.A., New York University

Clarence Stanley, Business
A.A.S., New York City Community College; B.B.A., Baruch College; M.B.A., Long Island University

Minnie Stanley, Business
B.S., Iona College; M.S., University of Bridgeport

John Steiner, General Studies
B.S., Murray State University; M.S., Adephi University

Joan Sweeney, Business
B.A., Stonehill College; M.B.A., Babson College

William Wall, General Studies
B.A., Cathedral College; S.T.B., Catholic University; J.D., Brooklyn Law School

Thomas Webb, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Central Michigan University

Karen Williams, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.A., Marymount-Manhattan College; M.A., City College CUNY

Part-Time Faculty - School of Professional and Graduate Studies Lecturers

David Ahrend, Business
A.A.S., Suffolk Community College; B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.B.A., Long Island University

Doreen Anderson, Business
B.A., Marymount Manhattan College; M.B.A., Pace University

Samuel Anthony, Accounting
B.B.A., Pace University; M.P.A., Mercy College

Jelani Bandele, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., Pratt Institute; M.S., Long Island University

Linda Barley, Community Health and Human Services
B.A., St. Francis College; M.S., Hunter College; Ed.D., Columbia University

Jean Basile, Community Health and Human Sciences
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S.W., Stony Brook University

Grace Bazile, General Studies/Library
B.A., York College; M.S.L.I.S., Pratt Institute

Jacalyn Beltrani, General Studies
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.B.A., St. Joseph’s College

Daniel Bennett, Business
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; B.B.A., Hofstra University; M.B.A., Dowling College

George Black, General Studies
B.F.A., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Liza Cobb Bowers, Community Health and Human Services
B.A., Dartmouth College; J.D., New York Law School

Frank Bucaria, Business
B.A., Queens College; M.B.A., Dowling College; Ph.D., Touro University

Millicent Budhai, Business
B.S., M.S., University of West Indies, Jamaica

David Byrne, General Studies/Library
B.A., Long Island University, CW Post campus; M.L.S., St. John’s University

Renee Callier, Business
B.S., M.S., St. Joseph’s College

Stephan Capitano, Community Health and Human Services, Senior Lecturer
B.A., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook; M.S., New York Institute of Technology

George Cherubini, Business
B.S., M.B.A., M.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., Seton Hall University

Michael Chiaponne, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S.W., Stony Brook University

Jo Anne Collins, General Studies
B.A., S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook; M.S.W., S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook; Ph.D., S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook

Steven Colon, General Studies
B.A., M.A., St. John’s University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook

Kurt Connelly, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.B.A., Dowling College

Anthony Corrao, Business
B.A., Boston University, M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh

Irene Crisci, General Studies/Library
B.A. M.L.S., Long Island University, CW Post Campus

D’Adra Crump, Business
B.S., M.S., Executive M.B.A., St. Joseph’s College

Charles D’Alessandro, Business
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Wagner College; M.S., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Bruce Darroch, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S.W., Fordham University

Shirley Davis-Lewis, Coordinator of BSN/MSN Recruitment, Brooklyn Campus; Business
B.A., Fordham University; M.B.A. New York University

Margaux DelGuidice, General Studies
B.A., Fairfield University; M.L.S., St. John’s University

Annette Dennis, Business
B.S., Fordham University; M.B.A., Columbia University

Robert DiPietro, General Studies
B.M., M.A., New York University

Elena Dundon, Business
B.S., M.S., M.B.A., St. Joseph’s College

Matthew Engel, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., Western Kentucky University; M.B.A., Dowling College

Lorna Fairweather, Health Administration
B.A., M.P.H., Hunter College

Robert Feiler, Business
B.E., City College of New York; M.B.A., Adelphi University

Tatyana Feofilaktova, Computer Science/Mathematics
M.S., Institute of Economics; Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Yvette Findlayter, Computer Science
B.B.A., Barauch College, M.S., Long Island University

James Flournoy, Community Health and Human Services
A.S., Mater Dei College; B.S., York College, C.U.N.Y.; M.S.W., New York University

Dmitri Gartschein, Mathematics/Computer Science
M.S., Moscow Institute of the Chemical Engineering

Fran Giambanco, Business
M.B.A., C.W. Post Center of Long Island University

Stella Grillo, General Studies
B.A., M.A., Queens College

Gina Hille, Business
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College

Thomas Hoefner, General Studies
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., New York University

Thomas Horan, Business, Senior Lecturer
B.B.A., Iona College; M.S., Long Island University, C.P.A.

Mary Joyner, Community Health and Human Services
B.A., Hunter College; M.S.W., New York University

Virginia Koetzner, Community Health and Human Services
B.A., M.P.S., Long Island University of Southampton

Alex Kuerbis, Community Health and Human Services
B.A., M.S.W., New York University

Peter Laneri, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., Fordham University; M.S., Hofstra University

Miguel Long, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., National Engineering University; M.A., Pace University

Richard Margulis, Health Administration
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.B.A., Dowling College

Darlene Marron, Business
B.S., M.S., St. Joseph’s College

Bruce Masterson, General Studies
B.A., M.A., San Jose State University

Timothy McHeffey, Business
B.S., State University of New York at Brockport; M.B.A., Dowling College

Robert Micera, Business
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.A., Queens College; M.S., New York Institute of Technology

Abu Baker Mohamed, Mathematics/Computer Science, Senior Lecturer
B.S., University of Khartoup; M.A., The New School of Social Research

Benedict Monachino, Business
B.S.CH.E., Polytechnic University; J.D., Brooklyn Law School

Brianna Morgan, General Studies
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., Long Island University

Paul Munoz, Business
B.A., Long Island University; M.B.A., Pace University

Stacey Murphy, Health Administration
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.P.A., Baruch College

Carl Nappi, Business
B.S., M.S., New York Institute of Technology

Sheila O’Connor, Business
B.S., SUNY; M.B.A., M.S., St. Joseph’s College

Timothy Ozinegbe, Business
B.S., University of Lagos, Nigeria; M.B.A. in Public Accounting, Long Island University; C.P.A.

Christopher Passaretti, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.S., S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook; M.S., Polytechnic University

William Ramos, Business
B.A., St. Vincent College; M.A., New York University; M.B.A., Adelphi University

Keith Redo, Mathematics/Computer Science
B.A., S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook; M.S., Pace University

Daisy Rodriguez, Health Administration
B.A., Empire State; M.S., St. Joseph’s College

Theresa Saladino, Business
A.A.S., State University of Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., E.M.B.A., St. Joseph’s College

Janis Shannon, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S.W., Adelphia University

Migdalia Soto, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., College of New Rochelle; M.S.W., Fordham University; M.P.A., Fairleigh Dickinson University

Sultan Stover, General Studies
B.F.A., School of Visual Arts; M.A., Farmingham State College

Denis Sutterlin, Business
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.P.A., Marist College

Ronald Tabbitas, General Studies
A.S., Suffolk Community College; B.B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College

Stacey Temple, Dance
B.A., Tufts University; M.F.P., Smith College

Joan Thompson, Community Health and Human Services, Senior Lecturer
R.N.; B.S., M.S., Hunter College; M.S., Queens College

MaryAnn Tsournourakis, Health Administration
A.D., Purdee University; B.S., M.S., St. Joseph’s College

Virginia Walker, English
B.S., M.A., St. John’s University; PhD., New York University

Mark Wan, Business
B.S., M.B.A., Fordham University

Junis Warren, General Studies
B.A., Florida State University; M.A., New York University; M.S., New School University

Heather Woods, Community Health and Human Services
B.S., St. Joseph’s College; M.S., C.W. Post Center of Long Island University

Faculty Data

To meet the specialized professional needs of many of its students, the College has created a special category of faculty called preceptors. Most of the preceptors maintain their regular professional affiliations, thereby providing students with the full benefit of their expertise. There are 12 preceptors in Community Health and Human Services, 9 preceptors in Health Administration, 20 preceptors in General Studies, 20 preceptors in Accounting/Organizational Management, and 9 preceptors in Mathematics/Computer Science.

In addition to full-time faculty and preceptors, the following numbers of lecturers (part-time, adjunct faculty) taught in the School of Professional and Graduate Studies: Community Health and Human Services 16, Health Administration 11, General Studies 27, Accounting/Organizational Manage ment 18, Mathematics/Computer Science 11.

Student Retention and Graduation

Most of the students in the School of Professional and Graduate Studies (Brooklyn and Long Island Campuses) are part-time students. Of the 251 matriculated students entering in the Fall of 2004, 66% returned in September 2005. Of the Fall 2004 group, 38% graduated by June 2009, 3% in June 2010, and 3% in June 2010, bringing the total percentage of students that graduated by June 2010 to 47%. Nineteen percent of the initial cohort are still matriculated for the baccalaureate degree.