2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Life


Degree Programs

St. Joseph’s University offers the following graduate degree programs, which are registered with the New York State Education Department. For all Graduate degrees and certificates, a cumulative index of 3.0 is required.


Childhood or Adolescence Special Education with an Annotation in Severe and Multiple Disabilities
Educational Leadership with Critical Consciousness
Infant/Toddler Early Childhood Special Education (SJNY Long Island)
Literacy and Cognition
Literacy and Cognition/Special Education
Mathematics Education (SJNY Long Island)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


Creative Writing.(SJNY Brooklyn)


Health Care Management
Health Care Management-Health Information Systems Concentration


Cyber Security
Human Services Leadership
Management, Health Care Management Concentration
Management, Human Resources Management Concentration
Management, Organizational Management Concentration
Nursing, Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist
Nursing, Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practicioner
Nursing, Nursing Education Concentration

Master of Social Work

Social Work (SJNY Long Island)

Graduate Advanced Certificates

The following advanced certificates are registered with New York State Education Department.

  • Health Care Management (15 credits)
  • Human Resources Management (15 credits)
  • Human Services Leadership (12 credits) 
  • Management of Health Information Systems (15 credits)
  • School Building Leader (15 Credits)
  • School District Leader (24 Credits)
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (29 Credits) (SJNY Online)
  • Mathematics Education (15 Credits)
  • Nursing Education (12 Credits)
  • Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) (15 credits)
  • Bilingual Education Extension (15 credits)

For all Graduate degrees and certificates, a cumulative index of 3.0 is required.

Academic Policies

Repeated Courses

A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade in a course specifically required for the degree, for the major, or for the certificate program may request departmental approval to repeat the course.

In such cases, the Chairperson or Director may permit the student to repeat a course in order to demonstrate mastery of the subject. Both the original grade and the repeated grade will appear on the transcript. Credit will be given only once for the course, and only the most recent grade will be calculated in the index. The student is liable for the tuition incurred for repeated courses. (See Curricular Offerings Section.)


Students are expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are registered. Students who must be absent for an extended period of time, are urged, therefore, to contact the individual instructor or the academic advisor concerning class work, assignments, and announced quizzes.  Any student who fails to attend a single class meeting in one of their registered courses will be dropped from that class by the Registrar’s Office by the third week of the term.

At the same time, the faculty recognizes that on occasion students cannot be present. Because faculty members have confidence in the maturity of the student body and recognize the personal growth, which comes through responsible freedom, the faculty has vested all members of the student body with personal responsibility for their attendance.

The faculty wishes to emphasize that students are equally responsible with them for creating a climate of inquiry and sharing. True education results only from active involvement in the learning process. (See Curricular Offerings Section for additional information.)

Students will not be permitted to register for a class after the first class session has met.

Automatic Drop

Online students who have not participated in their online offerings within the first two weeks of a full semester will be automatically withdrawn. Non-participation is defined as no activity or non-academic activity - i.e. posting an introduction only. The following outlines the schedule of automatic drop:

  • Day 3 of intersession online
  • Day 6 of a 5-week online semester
  • Day 8 of a 7.5 online compressed semester (both cycle A and cycle B)
  • Day 11 of a 10-week online summer session
  • Day 15 of a 14-week online semester

Class Meeting Times

Classes that meet once a week are held during the following time slots:

Classes that meet twice a week are held during the following time slots Mon./Wed. OR Tues./Thurs.:

8:30 am - 11:30 am, 9:35am - 12:35 pm,

8:00 am - 9:25 am,  9:35 am - 11:00 am, 11:10 am - 12:35 pm, 1:40 pm - 3:05 pm, 3:10 pm - 4:35 pm

1:40 pm - 4:40 pm , 6:15 pm - 9:15 pm, 7:00pm - 10:00pm 4:45 pm - 6:15pm

Evening classes begin at 6:15 pm. If a 3 credit course meets once a week, there is a 10 to 15 minute break built in. If a 3 credit course meets twice a week there is no break. Common Hour is every day, Monday through Friday, 12:40 - 1:35pm.

Assignment of Credit Hours

Academic programs at St. Joseph’s University, NY are scheduled on both trimester and semester calendars as well as, in some cases, alternate calendars/compressed academic sessions. In all cases, scheduling is guided by the following policy.

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education requires its members to adhere to the U.S. Department of Education definition of a “credit hour.” This definition is as follows:

Credit hour: Except as provided in 34 CFR 668.8(k) and (l), a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

In accordance with federal guidelines set forth in the U.S. Department of Education definition of a “credit hour,” St. Joseph’s University, NY defines one Credit Hour Unit (CHU) as approximately equivalent to a minimum of one scheduled hour of classroom instruction with a minimum of two hours of out-of-classroom study each week per credit hour over a SJNY calendar trimester or semester, or the equivalent for alternative term schedules/sessions. This policy applies equally to courses of varying credits, duration, and modes of instruction.

For example, a three credit course would require 14 weeks of instruction, 85 minutes per class meeting of instruction twice a week for a total of 2380 classroom minutes. A minimum of 2 hours of out of classroom instruction is required for each hour inside of the classroom.

For independent study, research, thesis, dissertation, practica, field placement, clinical, residency, internship or other course types that require no officially scheduled instruction hours, one credit hour is equivalent to a minimum of three hours of instructional activity as determined by the instructor or instructional supervisor or discipline specific accrediting body. At least two additional hours per instructional hour are applied to preparation, subsequent reading, and study.

  Withdrawing from Courses

A student who wishes to withdraw from a course in which he or she is registered, should obtain the official form from the Registrar and follow the procedure outlined. Ordinarily, withdrawal may take place up to the midpoint of the term or session; thereafter, only for a most unusual reason and with the approval of the Executive Dean. A fee of $20 will be charged for each change of schedule after the first week of classes. Students are advised to investigate the implications of withdrawing from courses on their eligibility for financial aid.

A student who does not withdraw officially from a course continues on the class register and must satisfy the requirements of the course. A student who ceases to attend a course before the midpoint of the semester will be withdrawn at the end of the semester and will receive a grade of WU. A student who ceases to attend a course after the midpoint will receive a grade of FN (Failure for non-attendance). A student who is failing a course and wishes to withdraw after the midpoint will receive a grade of WF (Withdrew failing).

The time of the withdrawal is considered when calculating refunds. Tuition liability is based on the date the change of program form is received by the Registrar. (See Curricular Offerings Section.)

Courses at Other Universitys

Students who have reason to take courses for credit at other Universitys should consult with an academic advisor and file the appropriate form in the Registrar’s Office. The decision to allow a student to take such courses is made by the Executive Dean in consultation with the Department Chairperson or Director. The University reserves the right to refuse permission or to limit the number of such courses.

When the courses have been completed, students are responsible for having an official transcript sent to the Registrar. Although the grades are not entered on the transcript nor included in the cumulative index, no credit will be allowed for a course with a grade below B. (See Curricular Offerings Section.)

Academic Standing

At the end of each semester the Registrar reviews the record of every student and refers to the individual departments, those who have failed to maintain an index of 3.0 and/or who have failed to complete successfully the minimum number of credits for their enrollment status. The faculty members endeavor to determine the causes of the academic difficulty and may require adjustments to the program. A cumulative index of 3.0 is required in order to remain in good academic standing and to graduate.

Students who continue to achieve below the requisite index of 3.0 and/or who have failed to complete successfully the minimum number of credits for their enrollment status may be dismissed at any point in their program at the discretion of the Academic Development Committee. Students who have been dismissed may represent to the Executive Dean, in person or in writing, any relevant circumstances.

Changes in Concentration, Degrees, and Certificates.

(See Curricular Offerings Section.)

Change of Program

(See Curricular Offerings Section.)

Grades and Reports

Transcripts of courses and grades are issued at the end of each term. Grades are interpreted as follows:

  Quality Grade Percentage Quality Points  
  Excellent A 93.0-100 4.0  
  Excellent A- 90.0-92.9 3.7  
  Good B+ 87.0-89.9 3.3  
  Satisfactory B 83.0-86.9 3.0  
  Unsatisfactory B- 80.0-82.9 2.7  
  Unsatisfactory C+ 77.0-79.9 2.3  
  Unsatisfactory C 73.0-76.9 2.0  
  Unsatisfactory C- 70.0-72.9 1.7  
  Unsatisfactory D+ 67.0-69.9 1.3  
  Unsatisfactory D 63.0-66.9 1.0  
  Unsatisfactory D- 60.0-62.9 0.7  
  Unsatisfactory F Below 60.0 0.0  

Grade Designation

*WD: Withdrew without penalty
*WF Withdrew failing
*WU: Unofficial withdrawal without penalty (before mid-point without penalty.)
*FN: Failure for non-attendance (disappeared after mid-point with penalty.)

*see Academic Life: Withdrawing from Courses


Final examinations are held at the end of each semester. Exceptions to this procedure require the approval of the Executive Dean.

Genuine emergency such as illness is the only excuse for absence from an examination. Documentation of the emergency may be required. A student who is absent from a final examination must call the Registrar on the day of the exam, giving the reason for the absence. Within one week, the student must write to the Executive Dean, stating the reason for the absence and requesting a make-up exam. A fee of $25 is required for each make-up examination. The date, and time, of the examination will be determined by the department. Students must take the make-up exam at the time specified. A student who is absent from a make-up exam will receive a grade of zero for the exam.

Incomplete Coursework

The following procedures regarding incomplete coursework will be strictly enforced. An extension of time to complete coursework will be granted only when unusual, extenuating circumstances exist, and only after consultation with the instructor. It is the responsibility of each student to keep his or her instructor informed of reasons for late submission of coursework. After the instructor approves the student’s written request for an extension of time, the instructor will sign and submit the required form to the academic department for Director or Chair approval and processing. Proof of the extenuating circumstances may be required before final approval by the Executive Dean is granted. (See Curricular Offerings section for incomplete coursework dates.)

It is the responsibility of the student for whom such an exception has been granted to submit all missing coursework to the Instructor and Director, or Associate Director, on or before the dates listed in the Curricular Offerings section.

NOTE: The dates that are included in the Curricular Offerings section will pertain regardless of whether or not Incomplete Forms have been submitted, mailed, or returned.
All coursework must be completed prior to the day of graduation.

The instructor reserves the right to reduce the grade on incomplete coursework in addition to any other reduction in grade already imposed for late submission of coursework. Failure to comply with the above procedures and time lines listed in the Curricular Offerings section will result in a student receiving a zero for the missing coursework.

Registration for the following semester will typically be restricted as follows:

  • Registration will be restricted to six credits (or fewer credits depending upon other grades) for students in good academic standing with one incomplete grade in the prior semester.
  • Students with more than one incomplete grade in a prior semester and students with an overall G.P.A. less than 3.0 in the preceding semester will not be permitted to register for the following semester.
  • Students with incomplete grades in more than one semester will not be permitted to register in subsequent semesters without approval of the Chair or Director, and Executive Dean. Students with a pattern of incomplete coursework (and absences from finals) may be dismissed from the program.

Conversion of Incomplete and Absence Grades.

All grades submitted to the Registrar’s Office with a value of I (Incomplete) or AB (Absence from final exam) or blank grades that have not been changed to a final academic grade by the instructor of the course will automatically be converted to a final grade of F based on the following schedule. Fall semester - February 1. Spring semester - July 1. Summer sessions - October 1. If the instructor has submitted a grade to be awarded without the missing course work, that grade will then be entered on the student’s transcript.

Withdrawal from the University

Students who plan to withdraw from the University should consult an advisor and then submit written notification of withdrawal. All financial obligations to the University must be fully paid before students may withdraw or graduate in good standing. In addition, students who have received a scholarship or loan must have an exit interview with the Financial Aid Officer. (See Financial Aid). It is important for financial aid purposes that the last date of attendance be officially recorded. The Administration of the University may require the withdrawal of students whose academic record or conduct is judged unsatisfactory.

Students who have been inactive for two semesters or more should consider themselves withdrawn. If they wish to later re-enroll at the University, they will be required to be readmitted and will be subject to all the requirements and procedures in force upon their subsequent readmission.

St. Joseph’s University is under no obligation to readmit students who have withdrawn from the University or who have been asked to withdraw.

Procedure for Appealing Grades

  1. For final grade appeals, students must initiate the process within thirty, (30) calendar days from the time that student grades are posted.
  2. If a student wishes to appeal a grade, the appeal should be directed to the Director or Chair. The student will be encouraged to meet with the instructor, with the arrangements made by personnel of the department.
  3. In the event that the student and the instructor do not confer, or the matter cannot be resolved through discussion, the student will contact the Director or Chair.
  4. Students must submit the complaint in writing to the Director or Chair. All relevant materials should be submitted at this time.
  5. The Director or Chair, in cooperation with the Registrar, will secure all tests, papers, attendance records, grade breakdowns and outlines.
  6. If the challenge is straightforward, i.e., a mathematical discrepancy or a question of mathematical computation, the matter will be handled by the Director or Chair, who will inform the instructor of the need to correct the grade.
  7. If the question is a qualitative one, the appropriate Director or Chair will review the matter with the faculty member. If the Director or Chair and the faculty member are in agreement about the appropriate grade, the faculty member will either change or retain the grade, and the student will be contacted.
  8. If, however, the matter cannot be settled by agreement between the instructor and the Director or Chair, or if the student disagrees with the decision reached in step 7 above, the decision may be appealed to the appropriate Executive Dean, who will seek consultation with objective parties as needed. The student may submit a copy of the written complaint to the appropriate Vice President of Affairs, who will meet with him/her within fifteen (15) school days or receipt of the complaint. The Interim Executive Dean will render a decision in writing, usually within ten (10) school days after the meeting with the student.

See Curricular Offerings for Grade Appeal Procedures for Graduate Management Studies and Nursing.

Awarding of Degrees

Graduation exercises are held annually in May. Diplomas will be available to students approximately six weeks after the May ceremony. Students with no more than six credits outstanding may participate in graduation ceremonies, provided the student is registered in the summer session directly following at St. Joseph’s University to complete those credits. Degrees are also conferred in January and August for those students whose degree requirements are completed after the Fall semester and Summer sessions respectively.

Students Right to Privacy and Access to Records

Public Law 93-380, usually titled “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act,” or more often known simply as the Buckley Amendment, prohibits release of any material in a student’s file without the written consent of the University student. This law also affords students the right to review the contents of their official academic folders, except for those documents excluded by Law 93-380, as amended.

Students who wish to inspect their folders are required to complete the REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE OF STUDENT FILE INFORMATION. These forms are available in the Registrar’s Office and in the Office of the Executive Dean. Students, who wish to challenge the contents of their folders as inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate, should follow the informal and formal proceedings outlined in the current Student Handbook. For further information on the Universitys Annual Notification of FERPA to Students, please click on the followingAnnual FERPA Notification to Students    For further information from the United States Department of Education, please click on the following link:https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html?src=rn

Academic Integrity

In common with all Universitys and universities engaged in the search for knowledge, St. Joseph’s University is committed to high standards of academic honesty. Moreover, as a University whose motto is “Esse non videri” To be, not to seem,” St. Joseph’s has a longstanding tradition of considering integrity as a primary value. The University expects students to observe academic integrity in all aspects of their academic life, including the conduct of their examinations, assignments, and research. All members of the University community share the responsibility for creating a climate of academic integrity, based on fairness to others and respect for oneself. Violations of academic integrity are treated very seriously. Policies and procedures for violations of academic honesty are explained in detail in the Student Handbook.

Military and Veteran Student Policies

Heroes Act of 2003-Withdrawal, Readmission and Course Extension   

Heroes Act of 2003

The Higher Education Relief Opportunities For Students (HEROES Act of 2003, Public Law 108-76) is intended to ensure that service members who receive federal student aid are not adversely affected due to their military status and to minimize the administrative burden placed on such individuals. You may be eligible for certain waivers and modifications to your current financial aid or student loans. These waivers, first authorized by the HEROES Act of 2003, have been extended through Sept. 30, 2017.   

http://www.nasfaa.org/news-item/2440/Notice_Extensions_of_Higher_Education_Relief_Opportunities_for_Students_HEROES_Act_of_2003_Waivers; http://www.finaid.org/military/heroes.phtml

Military Withdrawal

Military withdrawal is available only to students who:

1. Are actively serving members (Active Duty, Guard and Reserve Duty Components) of the U.S. Armed Forces (not a contractor or civilian working for the military); and,

2. Have received formal orders to perform military service during a semester or session, whereby making them unable to meet class attendance and/or other participation requirements, including web-based activities.

Upon receipt of orders for military service, the student must follow the University’s withdrawal policy   outlined in the Course Catalog, including the completion of all necessary official withdrawal paperwork.  The student shall present the registrar a copy of their military orders, along with a letter from the student’s unit validating the orders and formally requesting that the student receive a military withdrawal from the University. The formal correspondence must include the following:

1. Unit letterhead and commander contact information; and,

2. Reference to and validation of the student’s attached military orders. 

Students who process a military withdrawal:

•Will not be charged tuition for the semester of withdrawal.

•Will have a notation in their transcript indicating the military withdrawal.

Note: The Office of Financial Aid and the Bursar’s Office will be notified of a student’s military withdrawal. 

Military Readmission

SJNY will readmit students who have withdrawn from the University as a result of receiving formal military orders to perform military service; these students will be guaranteed the same academic status as when they took a leave from the University if the absence is less than five years. Military students should contact the Office of Admissions to initiate the readmission process and identify themselves as returning from military service. Students will be readmitted under the same academic catalog requirements for their program at the time they were called to military service. The re-enrollment fee will be waived upon readmission to the University. 

Below is the link to the Federal Student Aid Handbook. As a signatory of the DOD VOLED MOU, the University commits to meeting these provisions for the readmission of service members.  http://ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/attachments/1516FSAHbkVol2Ch3.pdf (pages 19-21)

Course Extension

Military students will be granted an extension to complete coursework due to a military obligation, such as military training and/or monthly drills. The student is responsible for providing the faculty member with immediate notice of all foreseeable military absences. If, at the end of the semester, military absences have resulted in incomplete coursework, the student may request a course extension. For course extension approval, the student must provide the faculty member with formal training orders and/or a formal drill schedule validating the military absences. The student’s course extension request must be approved by the faculty member; this request is subject to the approval of the Executive Dean. If approved, the course extension will be deemed an incomplete and treated accordingly. The student must follow the University’s academic Incomplete Course Policy outlined in the Course Catalog. 

Delayed Payment   

On December 31, 2018, the President signed the ‘Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018’ into law. Section 103 of this law, PL 115-407, will amend 38 US Code 3679 to add subsection (e) which contains a provision that requires a policy be adopted by any educational institution (public, private, for profit, not for profit) certifying Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation) or Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®) students.To be in compliance, the policy must adhere to the following (excerpt from 38 USC 3679(e)): 

 A policy must permit any *covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

1. The date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution


90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the COE

• A policy must ensure that the educational institution does not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or to require that a covered individual borrow additional funds due to the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs under chapter 31 or 33.


Student Complaints

A student who has a complaint about an academic matter should know the procedures set forth in the Student Handbook under Student Grievance Procedures in Academic Matters. No adverse action will be taken against any student who files a complaint.

Bias Related Crimes

In compliance with Section 6436 of the Education Law, St. Joseph’s University adopts the following policies and procedures:

All actions against persons or property, which may be considered bias crimes are unequivocally prohibited at all times in any University owned or operated property, or at any University sponsored activities.

Bias crimes may be defined as any form of unlawful harassment or other harmful behavior such as assault which is based on an individuals, race, national origin, disability, veteran status, or on any individual status in any group or class protected by applicable federal, state, or local law.

The penalties for committing such crimes will include reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities so that an independent investigation can be conducted. The University will also undertake an investigation of the incident, in keeping with the guidelines published in the Student Handbook. The procedures for dealing with bias related crimes will be the same as those outlined for grievances relating to allegations of sexual harassment and all other forms of unlawful harassment and discrimination.

The Office of Counseling will provide support services for victims of bias related crime, and will make appropriate referrals to outside agencies.

Bias related crime on University campuses occur when a lack of familiarity with people who are different, or who belong to groups that others are uncomfortable with, evolves into a hostile environment. In a University setting many young people come together and encounter people of different cultures and backgrounds for the first time. Because the students bring biases and attitudes from their past experiences, the possibility of bias related crimes must be recognized and every effort must be made to provide opportunities for open and honest dialogue and sharing.

The University provides information about security procedures through a brochure that is distributed to all incoming students and new employees, as well as frequent updates in campus newsletters and publications.

Campus Safety Statistics

The Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education. The US Department of Education web site address for campus crime statistics is: http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/safety/campus.html

The University has designated campus contacts that are authorized to provide campus crime statistics.

SJNY Long Island Contact Person:
Thomas Tzimorotas, Director of Security, (631) 687-2692

SJNY Brooklyn Contact Person:
Michael McGrann, Director of Security, (718) 940-5741

The University shall provide a hard copy mailed to the individual within 10 days of the request and that information will include all of the statistics that the campus is required to ascertain under Title 20 of the U.S. Code Section 1092 (f).

It is the responsibility of all students to check their St. Joseph’s University email account on a regular basis and to inform the University of any change in their mailing address. Failure to do so relieves the University of any liability in the event that students do not receive important information or correspondence.