2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life (Brooklyn Campus)

In keeping with the College’s objective of educating the whole person in an environment which permits the student to grow through self-direction and responsibility, the administration and faculty have granted the students a high degree of control over extra-curricular programs and activities. Moreover, the College Governance structure, especially through elected student representation on the College Advisory Council, encourages students to participate in college policy-making.

The College has a long history of faculty-student cooperation. It is hoped that the sharing of mutual concerns, ideas, and problem-solving will enhance students’ emotional maturity and leadership skills.

The student who is admitted to St. Joseph’s College accepts the requirements and regulations stated in the College Catalogue and the Student Handbook, including the statement on Rights and Responsibilities, the Student Code of Conduct, and the Student Grievance Procedures. The College reserves the right to initiate due process for the dismissal of a student who fails to meet these standards.

Dean of Students and Student Life

The Dean of Students and Student Life’s Office is committed to supporting a vibrant and diverse campus community. The Dean of Students and Student Life is responsible for the planning, development, coordination and supervision of programs, services and activities outside the classroom.

The Dean serves as coordinator for the following: The Offices of Student Activities and Co-Curricular Programs; Residence Life; Career Development, Wellness and Disability Services; Orientation; Judicial Affairs; Clubs and organizations; Athletics; Campus Ministry and Health Services.

The Dean of Students acts as the chief student advocate and assists students who are experiencing problems, personal or otherwise, during their college career. The office is located on the first floor in the Student Life Suite in Tuohy Hall.

Student Life

Student life, under the direction of the Dean of Students, is designed to create a climate in which students, while developing academically, can at the same time be encouraged to recognize and utilize their potential in every facet of their lives. Each of the activities provided is in some way designed to further the development of the student as a whole person and good citizen.

Office of Student Activities and Co-Curricular Programs

This office is the center for co-curricular activities. Under the direction of the Dean of Students and the Assistant Dean of Students, a wide range of cultural, social and educational programs are offered.

New Student Orientation

Prior to the opening of each semester, a time is set aside for the orientation of new students. The program is planned to facilitate the adjustment to college life and includes conferences, course registration, career interest services, and social activities. Orientation is continued during the year through the Faculty Advisement Program as well as through activities, lectures, meetings with the academic departments and Orientation Leaders, and the Freshman Year Experience.

Student Government

The Student Government Association (SGA) is composed of all students who pay the prescribed student activities fee. It is vested with all the powers granted by the faculty to the student body. The Senate, the legislative body, under the leadership of the Executive Board, supervises all activities of the student body. It approves the annual budget drawn up by the Budget Committee and authorizes the expenditure of the remaining funds; it admits new organizations to the SGA and approves the constitutions of all clubs and committees under its jurisdiction.

Student Activities

Students at St. Joseph’s enjoy the intimacy of a small college and the advantages of the many cultural and recreational facilities of a large metropolitan city. Within the College, clubs and social affairs are initiated by the students according to their interests. Some of the more popular organizations are the Athletic Association, Dramatics, and Campus Activities Board. Social events include parties, athletic events and the annual Dinner Dance.


To be in compliance with New York State law and the regulations of the New York State Department of Health, all students born after January 1, 1957 must submit documentation of immunization against measles, rubella, and mumps before they may attend class. The medical health form which students receive from the Admissions Office must be filled out by a doctor/health care provider and returned to Admissions. We further request that students make known any serious disability they may have so that, in the event of their sudden illness on campus, we may summon the proper care. This information will not be placed in their permanent records file. The information will be kept on file. Failure to register this information frees the College from any responsibility for special treatment in the event of illness.

St. Joseph’s College requires all full-time undergraduate students to carry medical insurance. Students may waive the college-sponsored plan by providing proof that they are covered under another comparable medical insurance plan. In addition, all students are covered under a basic accident plan which carries a small mandated fee. Information is available in the Office of the Dean of Students and Student Life.

Health Services Office

The Health Services Office meets the health-related needs of St. Joseph’s College students and prepares them for lifelong wellness through educational workshops and outreach.

Campus Security

Information on campus security procedures is provided in a brochure distributed to all members of the college community. The U.S. Department of Education maintains a crime statistics web site: http://ope.ed.gov/security. To access data, go to the web site and click on “Get data for one institution/campus.” Type in name of institution—saint josephs college—(no apostrophe used). Enter “Brooklyn” for institution city. The crime statistics will follow.

Spiritual and Religious Development

The Office of Campus Ministry seeks to instill in the life of the college its core values, which are integrity, service, social responsibility, intellectual and spiritual values. Through our community outreach and reverence for the sacred, Campus Ministry participates in the creation of a world with respect and dignity for all. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in ecumenical services, Eucharist celebrations, film discussions, lectures, as well as outreach services to local and global communities in need, and fundraising activities for charitable organizations. Participation in all religious services is optional. The services of campus ministers of different faiths are available.

Credit for Co-Curricular Activities

Students may earn 1/2 academic credit per semester for a total of two credits toward the degree for participation in co-curricular activities approved for credit by the faculty: Chapel Players (Dramatics), Choral Society, Dance Club, Jazz Ensemble, and Yearbook. For Varsity Athletics, students may earn 1/2 credit per season for a total of two credits. The Moderator of each activity will provide details.

Office of Career Development, Wellness and Disability Services

The Office of Career Development, Wellness and Disability Services provides free services that allow students to speak with a counselor in a non-judgmental environment about various issues ranging from personal concerns to planning future career paths. The office assists students by providing the following services:

Personal Counseling

During their college years, students sometimes encounter obstacles in their lives that may impede their academic progress. A psychologist and counselors are available to meet with students on an individual basis to help them explore their thoughts and concerns in a confidential environment.

Career Counseling

Career counseling is provided to students who wish to explore occupational interests through the career library, in-house publications and Internet access. Services include resume and cover letter assistance, interview preparation, internship coordination, employment search and graduate school information.


The Office is the first step to obtaining information about internship opportunities. If students wish to receive credit for internship placement, they must go through the department chairperson of their major.

Graduate Study Information

The office is a resource for graduate school information, including catalogs, program offerings and educational workshops. Information is available about qualifying examinations such as MCAT, GRE, LSAT and GMAT. Consultation is also available through departmental offices.

Services for Students with Disabilities

The main objectives of the Office are to:

  • Ensure students with disabilities equal access to all programs and services at St. Joseph’s College
  • Record appropriate accommodations based on documented dis-abilities
  • Encourage independence by teaching students self-advocacy skills
  • Assist students with transferring skills learned in the classroom to settings outside of the classroom
  • Serve as a liaison and resource for the faculty and staff to facilitate awareness and appreciation for students with disabilities.

Academic Counseling

Although the Academic Dean is primarily responsible for the supervision of the academic climate and development of students, chairpersons and members of the departments, the faculty advisors, and the Office of Career Development, Wellness and Disability Services also provide academic counseling.

The Wellness Center

The Wellness Center provides a range of services and programs that support the holistic development of all students in body, mind and spirit. The mission is to provide counseling and psychological services to St. Joseph’s College students in order to support their emotional, social and psychological well-being.

Alumni Mentoring Program

The St. Joseph’s College Alumni Mentoring Program provides an opportunity for students and alumni to connect and develop a mentoring relationship. The program is designed to enhance the college experience by allowing students the chance to network with alumni from a variety of professions. The program is intended to give students a better understanding of how their educational experiences relate to their career choices. Alumni, in turn, can serve as role models and provide guidance and direction.