2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Sep 23, 2024  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbers

Courses numbered 100 are open to all students without prerequisites. Ordinarily, courses numbered 200, 300, and 400 have prerequisites and may not be taken by freshmen. Consult the individual department course listing for exceptions to this general policy.

Students are advised to check the final schedule of courses published before each advisement period.

The following courses may be offered during the 2013-2014  academic year—including Summer, Fall, Intersession, and/or Spring semesters/sessions/trimesters on both the Brooklyn and Long Island Campuses, unless otherwise noted. Not all of these courses will be available at night or on weekends on both campuses. Consult the semestral schedule of courses for more specific information, including the Long Island Campus Weekend College Trimester Program.

Online Courses: Academic departments sometimes offer courses in an online format. Check the semester course schedule for details.



Hospitaility and Tourism Management

  • HTM 320 - Conference and Event Planning Management

    This course is designed to explore the various components necessary for the successful implementation and management of conferences, conventions, and special events. Responsibilities of a planner, selection criteria for host venues, legal and ethical issues, negotiating processes, program design, budgeting, contracts, marketing, logistics, and evaluations will be explored.

    3 credits
  • HTM 462 - Internship

    The internship is designed to provide students with a practical education experience in an approved professional organization/agency applicable to their area of concentration. Students will complete a minimum of 130 hours, under the joint supervision of the cooperating organization/agency and a member of the Hospitality and Tourism Management faculty. Students must meet regularly with the faculty supervisor, maintain a log of activities, and complete a required paper. CORE GOAL:  Service and Experiential Learning-Curricular.

    minimum of 130 hours of fieldwork 3 credits

Human Relations

  • HR 400 - Seminar in Human Relations

    The course stresses the interdisciplinary approach of the major. Selected topics will be investigated from a human relations perspective. Major emphasis will be placed on an intensive individual research project. (Restricted to Seniors)

    Prerequisite: SOC 348  or PSY 391 
    3 credits

Human Services

  • HS 150 - Group Dynamics and Communication

    (PSY 150 )

    A theoretical introduction to small group processes, with an emphasis on the relationship between groups and the individual, and on the communication process. Students participate in small group exercises as part of the course requirements.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 230 - Emotional/Behavioral Disturbance in Children and Youth

    An overview of emotional and psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence, ranging from debilitating psychiatric problems to transient situational disorders as related to the family, school, and community. Various modes of treatment are discussed.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 231 - Child Abuse and Neglect

    An exploration of the social, economic, and familial factors that are contributive to child abuse and neglect. The effects of these problems on the child, family, and community are discussed. Also covered are such topics as reporting, crisis intervention, and prevention.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 240 - Developing A Non-Profit Organization

    This course is designed to help supporters, proponents, advocates as well as managers and leaders in the human services fields learn the fundamentals of starting a non-profit organization or developing an existing one into a more viable and productive enterprise. It will provide a framework for helping those with an interest in nonprofits to translate ideas into action. This course can be taken as part of a sequence with Introduction to Fundraising and Introduction to Grant Writing, which specifically address skills utilized in nonprofit sector. Topics will include: legal requirements for starting a nonprofit organization, board recruitment and governance structures, developing mission, vision and value statements, soliciting support from stakeholders, permissible and prohibited activities under federal, state and local law, securing tax exempt status and an introduction to funding strategies. Students may not earn more than 5 credits by taking HA, HS or GS one credit courses. Three one-credit options are not equivalent to a three credit course, and cannot be applied to the requirement of major electives.

    1 hour a week 1 semester 1 credit.
  • HS 241 - Introduction to Fundraising

    This course is designed to help managers and leaders in the not for profit sector develop strategies and implement campaigns and/or events for the purpose of reaching fundraising goals, as separate from grant writing. It is a companion course to the Introduction to Grant Writing, which specifically addresses specialized skills utilized in the not for profit sector. Topics include: designing a direct mailing, creating a database, using the internet and other networking resources, maintaining relationships with donors, managing a campaign, and planning events. Students may not earn more than 5 credits by taking HA, HS or GS one credit courses. Three one-credit options are not equivalent to a three credit course, and cannot be applied to the requirement of major electives.

    1 hour a week 1 semester 1 credit.
  • HS 242 - Introduction to Grant Writing

    This course will introduce students to the proposal writing process. They will learn how to plan and research funding sources, and then how to organize and write a proposal. Combining instruction with interactive exercises, this one-credit course will help students become detail-oriented and develop concise, persuasive writing skills. Students may not earn more than 5 credits by taking HA, HS or GS one credit courses. Three one-credit options are not equivalent to a three credit course, and cannot be applied to the requirement of major electives.

    1 hour a week 1 semester 1 credit.
  • HS 243 - Medicaid

    This course will give an overview of the Federal and New York State program of health insurance for the poor. Students will learn the current eligibility guidelines for Medicaid, how to advise a client regarding the Medicaid application process, and the role of legal assistance in the Medicaid approval process. Students may not earn more than 5 credits by taking HA, HS or GS one credit courses. Three one-credit options are not equivalent to a three credit course, and cannot be applied to the requirement of major electives.

    1 hour a week 1 semester 1 credit.
  • HS 244 - Event Planning

    This one-credit course will explore best practices for the planning, organization, implementation, and evaluation of special events. It will include an overview of human, fiscal, and physical resources required for successful event planning and execution. Students may not earn more than five credits by taking HA, HS or GS one-credit courses. Three one-credit options are not equivalent to a three credit course and cannot be applied to the requirement of major electives.

    1 hour a week 1 semester 1 credit
  • HS 270 - Sociology of Health

    (SOC 270 )

    An exploration of the social and cultural facets of health and illness and the functioning of organizations involved in health care. The social behavior of health personnel and those who are the consumers of health is also stressed.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 272 - Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

    (REC 272 )

    This course will address the major causes of cognitive impairment in the aging, affecting 6–10% of those over the age of 65, of which two-thirds have Alzheimer’s disease. Since increasing age is the greatest risk factor for dementia, this course will prepare those involved in the field of aging to better understand and manage the disease. This course is designed for formal healthcare professionals as well as direct caregivers.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 403 - Human Services and the Liberal Arts

    This course, designed for Human Services majors, focuses on the application of the liberal arts to issues in human services. Drawing on the knowledge and methodologies of the social sciences and the arts and humanities, this course explores themes prevalent in the study of human services. (Suggested antecedent course: CHS 415)

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 407 - Human Sexuality in Health and Disease

    This course will provide an overview of the psychological, biological, and sociological aspects of human sexuality from adolescence to the senior years. The need for ongoing education throughout the life span will be emphasized. There will also be information on sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 408 - Epidemiology

    (HA 408)

    An introduction to the science of epidemiology dealing with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in the population. Concentration is directed toward health promotion and disease prevention at institutional and community levels. The role of the public health and other agencies is also discussed.


    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.

  • HS 409 - Psychological Factors in Health and Disease

    This course will demonstrate how the effects of attitudes, emotions, and relationships are related to physical health and well-being. Personality styles, stress, social support, humor, and spirituality will be discussed as factors influencing the immune system. Principles and techniques to strengthen empowerment and a sense of personal control will be offered.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 411 - Alcoholism

    This course examines theories surrounding the etiology of alcoholism, including biological, psychological, sociological, and cultural factors. The impact of alcoholism on the individual, family, and community is discussed. Methods of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation are also explored.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 412 - Addictions and Dependencies

    The process of dependency is examined not only as it applies to substances, including alcohol, but also as it relates to pathological gambling, compulsive over-eating, and co-dependencies. Effects of various substances on the body will be discussed. The etiology of addictive and dependent behavior as well as the impact this abuse has on the individual, family, and community are studied. Methods of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation are explored.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 413 - Nutrition in Community Health

    This course introduces students to needs assessments of nutrition as an integral part of overall heath needs in diverse communities. Strategies are formulated to help students devise plans for working with human service agencies in dealing with issues of nutrition. Eating patterns and sources of calories and nutrients will be examined in the following populations: the elderly, pregnant women, children, and adolescents. Special attention will be given to the impact of poverty on nutrition and to the increasing incidence of eating disorders and obesity. Contemporary issues will be addressed.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 415 - Human Services

    This human services course explores the interrelationship between the community, its human service needs, and the resonse of the human service delivery system to meet these needs. A history of human services is covered, as are the political , social, cultural, and economic forces that give rise to specific community problems, attitudes, and behaviors. The range of human service target populations will be introduced as well as the role of the human services worker in those community environments. The culminating activity will be a basic community assessment.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 419 - Alcoholism and Addictions in the Family and Society

    This course centers on alcoholism and addictions as these relate to the family, its individual members, and society. A special focus is the child’s development in a dysfunctional family and the later outcome known as adult children of alcoholism. Co-dependency, family violence, therapeutic interventions, special populations, HIV/AIDS, and societal implications are explored.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 420 - Health Education

    Health education programs which promote optimal health through education in community agencies are explored. The vital role of the health educator in schools, hospitals, and corporations is examined within the administrative context and structure of the agency. Necessary tools and techniques needed to implement programs are reviewed.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 421 - Human Services Administration I

    This introductory administration course will lay the foundation for management, program development and public relations in human services. Topics will include management and supervisory competency, program design and implementation, and recruitment and training in a diverse society. It will also introduce the skills of budgeting and quality assurance.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits
  • HS 422 - Human Services Administration II

    In this course students explore advanced topics in human services administration with an emphasis on program evaluation. Organizational structures of governmental and non-governmental human services agencies will be addressed, including legal definitions and governance. Current legal and ethical topics, such as risk management, will be introduced. In addition, students will learn about fundraising and grant writing strategies for these organizations.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits
  • HS 429 - Human Services Delivery System

    This course provides an overview of the human services delivery system within the United States. Governmental and private structures will be explored, as will mechanisms of finance. Also covered will be the emerging role of the human service worker, as well as current approaches and philosophies germane to human services.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 434 - Family Health

    The evolving psychological, social, and physical needs of today’s family unit will be addressed. Included will be the following topics: adoption, single parents, step-parents, teenage pregnancy, chronic illness (child or parent), divorce, grandparents raising children, and the redefinition and modeling of family roles.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 440 - Principles of Counseling

    In this course, students will be introduced to a conceptual framework for understanding counseling and the counseling process. This will include classical, experiential, and cognitive-behavioral theories as well as models and principles of marital, child, group, career, school, multicultural, and mental health counseling.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 441 - Counseling Techniques


    This course offers students an introduction to basic counseling skills and techniques which can be used in a variety of community settings. Class emphasis is experiential (role playing), to assist the student in becoming more comfortable in the counseling role.

    Prerequisite  HS 440    
    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.

  • HS 442 - Family Counseling

    Problems which arise in the traditional family unit and in the wide range of evolving family systems will be discussed. Several theories will be explored as well as the role, function, and intervention skills needed by today’s diversity-aware family counselor. Family therapy options will be addressed.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 443 - Mental Health and Crisis Intervention

    The emotional and psychological turmoil experienced by individuals as a result of a traumatic event or an unplanned event or loss will be explored in depth. Crisis theory, interventions, and critical incident stress debriefing techniques for both individuals and groups in a variety of settings will be offered.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 444 - Principles of Alcoholism and Addictions Counseling

    Designed to introduce the student to the field of alcoholism and addictions counseling skills, this course provides for the integration of theory and practice as it relates to the delivery of comprehensive service to: addicted persons, their families, and significant others; special populations; the community; and the work force. Included in the course are the following topics: Code of Ethics, Federal guidelines relative to confidentiality and its application to HIV clients; evaluation and treatment planning; and relapse prevention.

    Prerequisite: HS 411 or HS 412
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 445 - Alcoholism and Addictions Evaluation and Treatment Planning

    This course covers the principles and procedures used in evaluating individual alcoholism and addictions severity with a view towards designing and implementing an appropriate treatment plan. Treatment plans will include the following: evaluation, assessment, diagnosis, clinical concerns, goals, documentation, discharge planning needs, and referrals/resources. In addition to treatment planning, emphasis will be placed on the importance and methods of relapse prevention and skilled intervention.

    Prerequisite: HS 411 or HS 412
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 449 - Death And Dying

    A discussion of attitudes toward death and dying in relation to ethnic, cultural, religious, and professional influences. The dying process, grief, family counseling, ethical, and legal issues are addressed.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 451 - Gerontology

    This course introduces the study of aging, primarily focusing on sociological issues and health-related topics pertinent to older adults. It will specifically address demography, biological theories of aging, major health conditions, principles of wellness, living arrangements, income, and the older person’s role in the family and society.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 453 - The Psychology of Aging

    Psychological theories of aging and development are used as a basis for considering the major role changes and adjustments confronting older adults. Topics include the normal challenges posed by retirement, family relationships, sexuality, sensory changes, intellectual and memory changes, and loss. The second part of the course addresses issues of mental health, depression, and dementia experienced by many older adults. Specific counseling approaches and other therapeutic interventions are also presented.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 456 - Program and Resources in Aging

    (HA 456)

    This course examines government and private programs and resources in aging, at national, state, and local levels. Specific topics include income maintenance, public entitlements, housing options, crime prevention, and care management. Community programs presented include nutritional services, adult day care, senior centers and in-home services. In addition to addressing demographic, political and fiscal realities, this course will explore future trends and advocacy.

    3 hours a week, 1 semester, 3 credits.
  • HS 457 - Introduction to Case Management

    This course will acquaint students to the field of case management and the role(s) of the case manager. Students will learn how to organize and provide services to special populations of people. Psychological as well as physical needs are addressed in this course. Case management will be presented both within the framework of an agency, and as a private practice.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 458 - Care Management And Community Mental Health

    This course will provide an historical survey and overview of US community mental health, including: private for-profit, government, and not-for-profit systems. Various models of care management will be examined. The core functions of case managers, with emphasis on the mental health applications, will be studied. The course will cover mental illness, including dual diagnosis, mentally ill and chemically addicted (MICA), and psychopharmacology.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • HS 466 - Internship in Human Services

    A supervised internship in the health area, this course is made available to students on an individual basis. Approval required. Placements are arranged by students and instructor.

    Hours to be arranged. Typically no evenings or weekends. 2–6 credits maximum.
  • HS 467 - Practicum in Health Instruction

    A supervised field experience in health instruction, this course is made available to students on an individual basis. Approval required. Placements are arranged by students and instructor.

    Prerequisites: Required courses for the Certificate in Health Instruction
    Hours to be arranged. Typically no evenings or weekends. 3 credits.
  • HS 470 - Practicum in Alcoholism & Addictions Counseling I

    A supervised internship in the field of alcoholism and addictions counseling, this practicum is made available to students on an individual basis. Approval required. Placements are arranged by students and instructor. Approval required to take HS 470, HS 471 and HS 472 concurrently.

    Prerequisites: Required courses for the Certificate in Alcoholism and Addictions Counseling
    Hours to be arranged 3 credits.
  • HS 471 - Practicum in Alcoholism & Addictions Counseling II

    A supervised internship in the field of alcoholism and addictions counseling, this practicum is made available to students on an individual basis. Approval required. Placements are arranged by students and instructor. Students who earn below a B in HS 470 may not register for HS 471. Approval required to take  HS 470, HS 471, and HS 472 concurrently.

    Prerequisites: Required courses for the Certificate in Alcoholism and Addictions Counseling
    Hours to be arranged 3 credits.
  • HS 472 - Practicum in Alcoholism & Addictions Counseling III

    A supervised internship in the field of alcoholism and addictions counseling, this practicum is made available to students on an individual basis. Approval required. Placements are arranged by students and instructor. Students who earn below a B in HS 471 may not register for HS 472. Approval required to take HS 470, HS 471, and HS 472 concurrently.

    Prerequisites: Required courses for the Certificate in Alcoholism and Addictions Counseling
    Hours to be arranged 4 credits.
  • HS 474 - Field Experience in Human Services I

    This supervised field experience offers students an opportunity to observe and shadow professionals who are practicing in a community based setting. Sites include community agencies, both public and private. Specialized populations include children and families, the mentally ill, the chemically dependent, the elderly, the homeless, and other populations needing human services. The structure of these field experiences varies by the background and interests of the student. All are supervised by a field supervisor employed by the agency, and by the mentor coordinating the class. There will be face-to-face classes so that students have the opportunity to share and support each other in the fulfillment of their field experience requirement. Portfolios are developed by all students during this course and any other field work courses for this major.

    Typically students will have placements in agencies where they will be supervised by social workers, or human service administrators. They will be practicing interaction with clients, staff and communities while engaging in the skills of advocacy, communication, documentation, and program development. Because they are undergraduates they will not perform tasks expected of graduate students in a field placement. Rather, they will be performing tasks that will prepare them to apply for positions in agencies generally filled by someone with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services. The environment of the field experience provides the context so that students can integrate the knowledge, theory, skills and professional behaviors of the human services worker.

    1 semester 3 credits

  • HS 475 - Field Experience in Human Services II

    This course is the second in a sequence of field epxperiences offerings required in the Human Services major. Students who have completed Field Experience in Human Services I, continue on with this course. Sites include community agencies, both public and private. Specialized populations include children and families, the mentally ill, the chemically dependent, the elderly, the homeless, and other populations needing human services. The structure of these field experiences varies by the experiential background of the student. All are supervised by a field supervisor employed by the agency, and by the mentor coordinating the class. Portfolios continue to be developed by the student as a way of documenting their filed experience.

    1 semester 3 credits
  • HS 495 - Academic Writing and Research

     This course will focus on those skills required for scholarly writing in the fields of Health Administration, Human Services, and Management. In addition to reviewing documentation and citation styles, accessing peer-reviewed journals using electronic databases, and knowing how to avoid plagiarism, this course will guide students through the style and structure of professional research writing. First, students will become familiar with the scholarly style of journal articles and will develop the ability to extract relevant information from those articles. Then, students will practice skills of narrowing the subject field, creating an annotated bibliography, writing a literature review, and creating a research question, all in preparation for their Capstone Research Seminar.

    ENG 103 
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits
  • HS 498 - Capstone Research in Human Services

     (HA 498/BUS 498) 

    The second part of a two-part capstone research course for students in the majors of Human Services, Health Administration, and Organizational Management, is designed to teach students about the research methodologies that can be applied to the investigation of a research study of an individualized area of interest. Students will select an appropriate research methodology and design and will apply it to the research topic selected during the earlier course, CHA 495/BUS 495. The final project will be an academic paper reporting on an original research topic investigated by the student.

    Prerequisites:  MAT 151 and HS 495/HA 495/BUS 495 
    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.


The courses listed in this section are interdisciplinary in nature. The departments to which they may be credited are listed.

  • CLA 112 - Classical Literature

    (ENG 112 )

    A study of the human experience as reflected in the classic texts of East and West. Contributors to this study and to the foundations of culture are the authors of the Bhagavid Gita, Gilgamesh, and other eastern luminaries as well as Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Virgil. This course may be credited to Classics or English.

    3 hours a week, 1 semester, 3 credits.

  • CLA 122 - Ancient Greece and Rome

    An in-depth study of the Greco-Roman culture and civilization. Special attention will be given to the political, social, economic and cultural life of both peoples against the world setting in which they both rose, flourished, and declined. This course may be offered for Classics or History.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • CLA 154 - Sources Of Great Western Ideas

    CLA 154

    This course undertakes a study of the classical origins of Western philosophy in Greece and Rome with a special emphasis on its relevance to Modern times. Readings may include literature, drama, poetry, as well as the classic Greek philosophical texts in an examination of such foundation concepts as nature, self, soul, and virtue. Course may be credited to Philosophy or to the Classics.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • CLA 157 - Self and Society in Ancient Greece and Rome

    This course will explore the origins of the concepts of self and society in Western Culture in the history and philosophy of classical Greece and Rome. In addition to independent reading in the historical and philosophical literature, this class includes an intensive study abroad component. The class will meet as a seminar during the spring term, include an active online experience and complete its investigation through readings and discussion at the sites in Greece and Rome in a two-week trip at the end of May. This course is targeted for freshmen (first year students) as a special opportunity for interdisciplinary study coupled with a study abroad experience.

    Target students: Second semester freshmen
    3 credits.
    Spring 2014
  • HUM 100 - Freshman Seminar

    Designed to provide an introduction to the liberal arts experience and to assist in the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes helpful to success in college. Topics include: self concept; clarification of goals; relationships, communication, and study skills; critical analysis; academic disciplines. Students expand horizons through required participation in selected extracurricular, social, and aesthetic experiences.

    Required of all Freshmen.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits
    Fall and Spring.
  • HUM 400 - Adults in Transition

    Designed for adults, this seminar has two interrelated goals: 1) to provide the opportunity for self-exploration and understanding, and 2) to support the development of a life, career, and educational plan. Selected readings and exercises will focus on adult issues such as adult development through the life cycle, transitions, career exploration and development, life pattern differences between men and women, values and the creation of meaningful, realistic personal goals.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits. Pass/No Credit.
    Fall and Spring


  • ITL 151 - Elementary I

    A communicative approach to the fundamentals of the Italian language with emphasis on listening comprehension, speaking, and cultural awareness. This course, along with ITL 152 , is designed to enable students to communicate in Italian in everyday situations. For students who have no previous knowledge of Italian.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • ITL 152 - Elementary II

    A continuation of ITL 151  with increasing emphasis on oral communication, grammatical structures, reading, writing, and appreciation of Italian culture. Open to students who have completed ITL 151  or its equivalent.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • ITL 201 - Intermediate I

    This course seeks to develop intermediate-level communication skills in Italian. Students will improve their proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing Italian through interactive activities in the classroom and study of more advanced grammatical structures, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions. In addition, students will acquire the linguistic and cultural insights which come with the study of a new language. Open to students who have completed ITL 152  or its equivalent.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • ITL 202 - Intermediate II

    A continuation of Italian 201. In this course, students will communicate in Italian on a variety of topics from personal to literary to global. Knowledge of linguistic structures and cultural understanding will be deepened and expanded. Critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and cultural comparisons will be developed. Open to students who have completed ITL 201 or its equivalent.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • ITL 211 - Italian Readings I

    Readings and discussions based on Italian texts. Review of the language through literature, civilization, and the contemporary scene. Open to students who have completed three or more years of high school Italian.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • ITL 212 - Italian Readings II

    Advanced readings and discussions based on Italian texts. Continued study of the language through literature, civilization, and the contemporary scene. Open to students who have completed ITL 211 .

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.


  • JNM 108 - Intro to Journalism

    Learn the fundamentals of reporting as well as how to craft a compelling news story. Explore the differences between traditional print journalism and digital media. Examine the ways in which all successful multi-media storytelling starts with good writing. 

    Prerequisite:  ENG 103  , Grade of B or better (or Program permission)
    3 hours a week, one semester, 3 credits
  • JNM 110 - Journalism Workshop: The Art of the Essay

    Alternative:  ENG 125 

    Focus on the contemporary approaches to journalistic essay writing.  Students will analyze the place of essays in contemporary journalism, and learn the art and craft of writing successful ones.

    Prerequisite for either one:  ENG 108 
    3 hours a week, one semester, 3 credits
  • JNM 200 - History of Media

    Analysis of the formative moments in the development of American media, from the Revolutionary pamphlets of Tom Paine through the social media-driven politics of the Obama era. Focus will be on how technological changes affected media coverage, as well as the role of print-based coverage in a world dominated by visual and social media.

     Suggested PrerequisiteHIS 170   or HIS 172   with a B or better (or Program permission)
    3 hours per week. 1 semester. 3 credits
  • JNM 210 - Digital Reporting

    Introduction to the art and craft of documentary video, for use either as supplement to print stories or as original reporting itself. Students will create their own short documentaries.

    Prerequisite:  COM 205   (aka Digital Media I) or Program permission
    3 credits
  • JNM 300 - Local Reporting (New York City or Long Island)

    Conduct interviews as well as pursue document-based reporting on city topics, covering the work of political offices, government agencies, and leading community organizations. Students will write short articles covering issues facing their own neighborhoods.

    Suggested Prerequisite:  HIS 276   or HIS 274  .  Open to majors or by Program permission
    3 hours a week, one semester, 3 credits
  • JNM 310 - New Media Workshop

    ART 267 

    This course will examine social media from a cultural perspective, with emphasis on the role of new media technologies in contemporary journalism.  Focus on how older journalistic techniques such as reportage and crisp writing and analysis can inform new media practice.

    3 hours a week, one semester, 3 credits
  • JNM 311 - Data-Driven Journalism and Infographics

    Infographics (short for informational graphics) are a unique communications format characterized by illustration and the use of typography to communicate an assortment of facts to the reader. Data-driven journalism is a convergent journalism technique that involves mining publicly available databases and other documents for content that forms the basis of reportage. This class teaches students the theory and practice of data-driven journalism and infographics design. While the form originated in magazines, today infographics can be found in print, broadcast, and web-based journalism, advertising and public relations, corporate communications and promotional materials. Interactive infographics are particularly popular on websites as are infographics that allow for the crowd-sourcing of data. This class studies infographics and data-driven journalism as digital communications genres and gives students the opportunity to create their own infographics based upon existing data-sets that they mine as their own original reporting and research.

    1 semester 3 credits
  • JNM 320 - Reporting Arts and Culture

    Learn various techniques utilized to write about contemporary arts and culture issues, including ethnographic method and New Journalism-style narrative reporting.  Practice writing profiles, scene reports, and review essays. 

    Open to majors or by Program permission.

    3 hours a week, one semester, 3 credits

  • JNM 330 - Reporting Business and the Economy

    Learn the techniques of business reporting, and develop an understanding of the role of business in contemporary American society.  Analyze and write about a company’s financial performance, and learn how to find information about private and public companies.

    Open to majors or by Program permission.

    3 hours a week, one semester, 3 credits

  • JNM 340 - The Business of Media

    Analyze the business side of media, focusing on current trends in the profession.  Learn how to pitch projects and how to seek funding, as well as other strategies for building a successful journalism career.

    Open to majors or by Program permission.

    3 hours a week, one semester, 3 credits

  • JNM 350 - Science and Environmental Reporting

    Learn how journalists convey the technical details of scientific discovery and technological innovation to a general audience.  Examine how other areas of scientific inquiry - e.g. neuroscience, medical science, and food science - intersect with environmental concerns.

    Open to majors or by Program permission.

    Prerequisite:  One lab science course grade B or better
    3 hours a week, one semester, 3 credits

  • JNM 370 - Special Topics: Journalism and New Media

    This course is an upper division course in Journalism and New Media Studies that varies in topic and focus depending on student interest, program needs and new developments in the fields of journalism and new media. Students may take multiple iterations of the course as upper division elections in the major so long as the topic is different.

    JNM 108  or  
    1 semester 3 credits
    Fall and Spring
  • JNM 410 - Web Design Workshop

    Learn the latest techniques in Web-based media, incorporating both print and image-based material.  Students will produce their own websites that showcase their own journalist work.

    Open to majors only.

    3 hours a week, one semester, 3 credits

  • JNM 411 - Senior Thesis

    Seniors will complete a required thesis under the supervision of a faculty member.  Projects will include both original research and reportage, and include both a written and visual component.

    Open to majors only.

    3 credits

  • JNM 435 - Supervised Internship

    Students will carry out an internship(of at least 60 hours) at either a media outlet or in the communications department of a nonprofit organization. In addition to the internship placement, the course includes a seminar in which students discuss and assess their experiences in the field.

    Open to Majors Only.

    3 Credits

Liberal Arts

From time to time, faculty collaborate in teaching one course which explores a topic from an interdisciplinary perspective.

  • LA 201 - Honors Capstone

    This course offers an opportunity for the students in the Honors Program to develop and explore a unifying theme which can serve to connect the disciplines studied in their freshman year Honors Program experience. Students will attend a series of lectures in the fall semester and participate in a group travel experience. For second year Honors Program students only.

    1 hour a week 1 semester 1 credit.

Library Research Strategies

  • LIB 100 - Library Research Strategies

    This course instructs students on how to locate and evaluate information to meet their academic needs and to use the information accurately and ethically. Students will develop proficiency in searching techniques, paraphrasing and proper citation.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week, 5 sessions 1 credit.
    Fall and Spring


  • MKT 200 - Marketing

    (Formerly BUS 200)

    A study of the importance of marketing to society and to the economy, and its pivotal role in the business and non-profit sectors. The course provides a firm foundation in marketing principles and in the strategic marketing planning process.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • MKT 204 - Marketing Promotion and Advertising

    (Formerly BUS 204)

    An intensive review and study of the promotion and sale of products or services. Both conceptual and applied approaches to such areas as advertising and public relations are used. The student will be required to develop a report on a promotion plan for a product or service.

    Prerequisite: MKT 200 
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • MKT 208 - Public Relations

    (Formerly BUS 208)

    The study of Public Relations and its role as a communications and marketing tool. Corporate image, external and internal communications, and firms’ relationships with various organizations are explored. Case study analysis and practice in writing press releases and other corporate communications are expected.

    Prerequisite: MKT 200 
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • MKT 212 - Digital Marketing

    This course is designed to provide students with the fundamentals of marketing in the digital world. The course focuses on marketing concepts and how they are developed and executed in today’s digital environment. Students will interact with each other in cases, which illustrate and apply digital marketing principles and will learn through textbook readings, case studies, digital marketing and real-world marketing situations.

    3 hours a week. 1 semester. 3 credits.
  • MKT 214 - Sales Management

    (Formerly BUS 214)

    The importance of managing the creative selling function including telemarketing, missionary sales, prospecting and qualifying prospects, territory management, role ambiguity, evaluating of sales performance, the establishment of standards, and motivating a sales force.

    Prerequisite: MKT 200 
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • MKT 267 - Computer Assisted Graphic Design Workshop

    ART 267 

    A course with individual projects to suit career needs. Students will use the computer and laser printer in the production of campaigns relating to public relations, marketing, advertising and/or publication.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits
  • MKT 302 - Retail Management

    (Formerly BUS 302)

    A study of the marketing of goods and services to the final customer. Topics include the structure of contemporary American retailing, assortment planning, inventory control, customer service, price, promotion and location strategies, international retailing, and the interrelationship of retailing, society, and the economy.

    Prerequisite: MKT 200 , MAT 200 
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • MKT 310 - Consumer Motivation and Behavior

    (PSY 282 ) (BUS 210 )

    The examination of consumer motivation and behavior employing the disciplines of Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology. Freud, Skinner, and Maslow’s theories are utilized. The purpose of the course is to enable the student to understand what motivates the consumer to buy and why.

    Prerequisite: MKT 200 
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • MKT 316 - Marketing Research

    (Formerly BUS 306)

    A study of the various research methodologies used in solving marketing research problems. Includes Research Design and Data Collection Methods (surveys, questionnaire design, sampling) to enable the student to make the best possible decision in exploring solutions to marketing problems and opportunities. A complete Marketing Research report is required.

    Prerequisites: BUS 222 , MKT 200 
    3 hours a week. 1 semester. 3 credits.
    Fall 2014
  • MKT 472 - Marketing Strategy Seminar

    An examination and integration of all aspects of marketing, including strategy, execution, and evaluation. Case studies will be analyzed to understand successful marketing strategies. Course will culminate in a major research paper in the form of a detailed marketing plan. For Senior Marketing Major students only

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
    Fall and Spring


  • MAT 105 - Fundamentals of Mathematics in Today’s World

    This course, recommended for liberal arts students of varying mathematical backgrounds, stresses critical thinking and reasoning. The course includes the study of patterns, set theory, logic, inductive and deductive reasoning, the real number system and topics in geometry.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • MAT 106 - Excursions in Contemporary Mathematics

    This course will present an overview of various topics in mathematics with a focus on recent developments and their applications. Designed for those students for whom the profundity of mathematics has often been obscured by its techniques, this course proposes to illustrate and explore the ubiquitous nature of mathematics in the world around us and thereby promote an appreciation for the significance, power and beauty of the discipline. Many topics are considered. They range from some modern applications of graphs to the mathematics of social choices.

    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
    Fall, Spring
  • MAT 107 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics

    This course offers an introduction to probability and statistics. It is designed to provide a common foundation for the more specialized material presented in the various statistics courses offered in other quantitative departments. Material covered includes: probability models, random variables and probability distributions (both discrete and continuous), descriptive statistics, inference, sampling and hypothesis testing.

    3 hours a week. 1 semester. 3 credits.
    Fall, Spring.
  • MAT 111 - College Algebra

    Properties of numbers and expressions; linear and quadratic equations; systems of equations; exponents and logartihms; functions; linear, quadratic, polynominal, exponential and logarithmic. Not open to students who have completed MAT 113  or students with credit for any 200 level math course.

    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits
    Fall, Spring
  • MAT 113 - Elementary Functions: Precalculus

    Introduction to the concept of functions: their graphs, elementary properties, geometric transformations, inverses, and algebra of functions. Introduction to the elementary functions and their properties: linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Designed for those who intend to go on to a calculus course.

    Prerequisite: 11th year mathematics or equivalent. Not available to students with credit for any 200 level math course. Students will not receive credit for both MAT 111  and MAT 113 .
    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
    Fall, Spring
  • MAT 151 - Fundamentals of Statistics

    An introduction to statistics, including probability, sampling distributions, correlations, predictions, and hypothesis testing.

    Prerequisite: COM 140  or COM 141  or equivalent.
    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • MAT 200 - Mathematics for Business and Economics

    This course includes the study of matrices, linear programming, the simplex method, and the mathematics of finance. Basic business applications of precalculus mathematics will be discussed.

    Prerequisite: MAT 111  - Long island Campus, MAT 113  - Brooklyn Campus or equivalent.
    This course is applicable to the liberal arts requirements of the curriculum. Not open to students who have completed MAT 205 .
    3 hours a week. 1 semester. 3 credits.
    Fall, Spring.
  • MAT 202 - Global Experiences in Mathematical Education

    This class will be a comparative study of the mathematical educational systems in the United States and another country. It will review books, articles, textbooks, websites, and exams from each country to determine how they are alike and how they differ. There is an optional trip component offered after the semester is over for one additional credit.

    1 or 2 credits. 12 hours on campus, 1 credit. With optional trip, 2 credits.
  • MAT 203 - Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science

    The emphasis will be on algorithmic problem solving and discrete mathematical concepts including logic, sets, Boolean algebra, relations, functions, induction and recursion, counting principles and combinatorics, graphs and trees. Use of the computer as a problem-solving tool will be integrated with the theory. Fundamental algorithms including sorting, searching and tree traversal will be introduced.

    Prerequisite: MAT 113  or equivalent.
    4 hours a week. 1 semester. 4 credits.
  • MAT 204 - Analytic Trigonometry and Geometry

    This course will focus on analytical geometry and trigonometric functions and their properties. Amongst the topics considered under analytic geometry are the conic sections and their general quadratic equation along with polar and parametric equations. The topics covered under trigonometric functions include the inverse functions, trigonometric identities and the trigonometric representation of the complex numbers.

    Prerequisite: MAT 113  or equivalent.
    3 hours a week 1 semester 3 credits.
  • MAT 205 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I

    Functions of one variable, limits, continuity, derivatives, chain rule, maxima and minima, inverse functions, antiderivatives, Riemann sums, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The study of calculus is enhanced through the use of the computer software, Maple.

    Prerequisite: MAT 111  - Long Island Campus, MAT 113  - Brooklyn Campus, or equivalent.
    3 lecture hours, 1 recitation hour and 1 lab hour. 1 semester. 4 credits.
    Fall, Spring.
  • MAT 206 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II

    Differentiation and integration of logarithmic and exponential functions, the trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, elementary differential equations. Applications of integration such as volumes of various solids are explored. Techniques of integration, indeterminate forms and L’Hopital’s Rule, improper integrals. Maple software will be used.

    Prerequisite: MAT 205  with a minimum grade of C-.
    3 lecture hours, 1 recitation hour and 1 lab hour a week. 1 semester. 4 credits.
    Fall, Spring.
  • MAT 207 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry III

    Infinite series and their convergence is explored and the Taylor series expansion for differentiable functions is developed. Parametric equations and polar functions are considered. Vectors in two and three dimensions along with their algebras are explored. Lines, planes and various families of surfaces in three dimensional space are considered. Material is illustrated and enhanced by the use of software such as Maple.

    Prerequisite: MAT 206  with a minimum grade of C-.
    4 hours a week 1 semester 4 credits.

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