Dec 04, 2024
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CSI 555 - Student Teaching and Seminar Designed to meet the requirements leading to initial teaching certification, the seminar and student teaching placement provides an opportunity for the student to apply theories of child development, both typical and atypical, apply current research with emphasis on cognitive, motor, social-emotional, communicative, adaptive, and aesthetic development in learning situations, family, and communal contexts. Students will plan and implement developmentally and individually appropriate curricula and instructional practices based on knowledge of individual children, the family, and curricula goals and content. They will make specific adaptations for children who have learning/developmental needs or disabilities. Students will demonstrate appropriate technology including adaptive and assistive technology as well as the selection of appropriate materials and equipment. During the seminar, students will reflect and engage in discussion of professional practices, analyze and evaluate field experiences, as they work with families and other professionals.
4 credits. This course requires a full semester of student teaching experience in two of the following early childhood settings: birth - 4 prekindergarten and kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade.