2013-2014 Graduate Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CS 605 - Assessment Infant/Toddler Early Childhood: Children with Special Needs In this course, students will learn to conceptualize assessment as a flexible, collaborative, decision-making, on-going process where parents and professionals are engaged to make and revise judgments and reach consensus about the medical, educational and mental health service needs of young children. Students will become familiar with various assessment instruments, test administration and the writing of clear reports. Students are encouraged to be mindful that when instruments and procedures accommodate a child’s sensory response, affective and cultural characteristics, they are equitable. Emphasis will focus on linking assessment to individual program planning, instruction, services and progress. In the fieldwork placement, students will learn to rely on authentic measures of problem solving that link directly to New York State Standards and program content goals in natural settings.
There are two and one half lecture hours a week during one semester 3 credits the course is offered in the spring. This course requires eight hours of fieldwork.