2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Criminal Justice, B.A. (SJC Brooklyn and SJC Long Island)

The interdisciplinary major in Criminal Justice requires students to complete one track (Juvenile Justice, Mental Health, Law and Justice, Community Correctional Alternatives, Criminal Justice and Technology) along with the required courses.

Core Courses:

For information about department courses that fulfill core curriculum requirements, consult the current Core Curriculum Guide 

Core Courses

All Criminal Justice majors must take the following CORE courses: BIO 225 , PHI 160 , SOC 100  or SOC 136 , and PSY 100  in preparation for the major. Courses should be selected in consultation with a Criminal Justice advisor. A minimum average of C is required. 

Elective Tracks


Community Correctional Alternatives: 9 credits

Not all of the following courses are offered in the evening or Saturday.

Choose 3 of the following:

Juvenile Justice: 9 credits

 Take CJ 257, Juvenile Justice, and Choose 2 of the remaining courses:

Law and Justice: 9 credits

 Choose 3 of the following:

Mental Health: 9 credits

 Choose 3 of the following:

Total: 36 credits